Class Safety

Last Thursday night before I started my class, I made sure the door was shut and locked. The senseless shooting at the Umpqua Community College shooting made me took the precaution. I have 20 students under watch; therefore, I am responsible for their safety. It’s a damn shame that the U.S. has the best educational institutions in the world, and yet they are no longer a safe place to be in.

The gun law in the U.S. is in desperate need for a reform. President Obama spoke out about it in anger:

As I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel. And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in America next week or a couple of months from now.

Obama’s time is running out. The candidates who make gun control their top priority will have my vote and support. I urge you do the same to make this country not only a great but also a safe place to live.

Triumphant Trump

Dusting off my political category because the election is here. The Republican party is already getting fired up with 17 men and one woman running for president. With Donald Trump entering the race, he is making the election more interesting and entertaining. I hope he stays in the game until the general election. 2016 wouldn’t be fun without him. He should definitely consider third-party run if the GOP doesn’t support him.

Clinton & Warren for 2016

Hilary Clinton has entered the race and Elizabeth Warren told Bill Maher on Real Time that she won’t be running even if he promised to contribute a million dollars to her campaign. If Warren stays true to her word, although I hope she would change her mind, I am all for the Clinton-Warren ticket in 2016.

If history repeats itself, we will have another Clinton vs. Bush, and I won’t mind seeing the Clinton in the White House for eight more years. Maybe Hilary will get her revenge by having some young male interns tossing her salad—just kidding.


Virginia governor GOP candidate Ken Cuccinelli pushes for reinstatement of state’s anti-sodomy law:

The law makes consensual oral or anal sex acts felonies, even for married couples who commit the acts in the privacy of their own homes.

Dude, keep your faith to yourself and stay the fuck out of our bedroom. I don’t need another religious nutjob running our state.

Women’s Power

They say behind every successful man, there stands a woman. I say behind a successful politician there stand many women. Obama’s victory is the proof. Women’s vote helped the president gets re-elected. Among women voters, Obama outnumbered Romney 55 percent to 43 points.

One of Romney’s failures in the campaign was his lack of concern and respect for women. He referred to them as a binder full of women. From abortion to contraception to healthcare, Romney imposed too much politics into their rights. His Republican party includes Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock and running mate Paul Ryan has very extreme opposition on abortion didn’t help either. In revenge, the women has showed these guys that they have no fucking business in their private sector.

Big up to women in power: Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, Claire McCaskill and Mazie Hirono.

If Romney Wins

I believe Obama will win today. Giving a benefit of a doubt, however, America will face a new low in political system if Romney wins. The truth in politic will no longer matter since a candidate can say whatever the fuck he wants to get votes. The Romney campaign declared early on that “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.” Romney has done so in so many issues that still on this day most Americans don’t know where he stands. He made up so many lies about his opponent and faced no consequences. If Romney wins, how would I tell my kids not to lie? President Romney lied and it worked. In fact, he would be reward for lying if he wins. If your children want to be a politician when they grow up, all they have to do now is start lying. Please please please, don’t let this happen. Go vote.

Forward vs. Backward

Paul Krugman:

If President Obama is re-elected, health care coverage will expand dramatically, taxes on the wealthy will go up and Wall Street will face tougher regulation. If Mitt Romney wins instead, health coverage will shrink substantially, taxes on the wealthy will fall to levels not seen in 80 years and financial regulation will be rolled back.

Bloomberg Endorses Obama

Michael Bloomberg:

When I step into the voting booth, I think about the world I want to leave my two daughters, and the values that are required to guide us there. The two parties’ nominees for president offer different visions of where they want to lead America.

One believes a woman’s right to choose should be protected for future generations; one does not. That difference, given the likelihood of Supreme Court vacancies, weighs heavily on my decision.

One recognizes marriage equality as consistent with America’s march of freedom; one does not. I want our president to be on the right side of history.

One sees climate change as an urgent problem that threatens our planet; one does not. I want our president to place scientific evidence and risk management above electoral politics.

Romney Favors Abortion

The Borowitz Report:

Hitting the campaign trail one day after the arrival of Superstorm Sandy, Republican nominee Mitt Romney tweaked his position on abortion today, saying he now supports it in cases where it makes people vote for him.

“I would make an exception for abortion in cases where the life of my campaign is at stake,” he told a crowd in Kettering, Ohio.

Believe it or not, Romney’s campaign has been nothing but a big satire.

Economist Endorses Obama

Re-elect Obama:

Many of The Economist’s readers, especially those who run businesses in America, may well conclude that nothing could be worse than another four years of Mr Obama. We beg to differ. For all his businesslike intentions, Mr Romney has an economic plan that works only if you don’t believe most of what he says. That is not a convincing pitch for a chief executive.
