Make America White Again

If elected, President Donald Trump promises to make America white again. Here are his steps:

  1. Deport 11 million Mexicans.
  2. Get rid of all the Muslims.
  3. Punch Black people in the face if they protest. Same goes for Black Lives Matter.
  4. Throw Asians out if they don’t shut up.
  5. Appoint David Duke to serve as White House Chief of Staff.
  6. Change White House to White Supremacy House.

Clinton’s Meltdown

Immediately after the debate in Miami, Hillary Clinton told her chief of staff that she was irritated with the same questions over and over again. She said, “Enough with the fucking emails. Enough with the fucking transcripts.” She went on, “I have been fighting my ass off in politics for more than 25 years and they don’t fucking trust me?” She continued, “Why don’t they go run for something, then?”

Why GM Needed Clean Water

When being questioned about the reasons GM switched back to Detroit water, experts explains that the high levels of chloride in Flint water, not the lead, corroded the engines. GM engines were not built with a system to sustain chloride. On the other hand, chloride is good for cleaning up the human body. As for the lead, experts claimed that people can just urine them out. So if you drink more lead-based water, the faster the lead pass through your body.

A Black Votes Matter Member Forgives Clinton

When asked about Clinton’s use of the word ‘superpredators’ to describe black youth, a member of the Black Votes Matter responded, “It was twenty years ago and people had changed.” He continued, “It was a poor word choice on her part and she already apologized for it.” He went on, “If she used the word ‘nigger’ instead of ‘superpredators,’ then she should not have been forgiven.”

Bernie Sanders Defends Porn Shops and Manufactures

In the Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders stated, “If you go to a porn store and you legally purchase a porn video, and then three days later, if you go out and start having promiscuous sex, is the point of this lawsuit to hold the porn shop owner or the manufacturer of that porn liable?” Sanders asked Sunday night. “If that is the point, I have to tell you I disagree.” He continued, “If they are selling a product to a person who buys it legally, what you’re really talking about is ending porn manufacturing in America. I don’t agree with that. Sara Jay has the right to make her money as well.” Hustler tweets the following response, “Sen. Sanders was spot-on in his comments about porn manufacturer liability.”

Rick Snyder Endorses Marco Rubio

After watching the G.O.P. debate, Governor Rick Snyder issued his endorsement for Marco Rubio. Mr. Snyder agreed with Mr. Rubio that “What happened in Flint was a terrible thing.” He continued, “I didn’t wake up one morning and said ‘Let’s poison someone.’” Holding a glass of water on his hand, he went on “I drank this water for months and nothing happened to me other than making my hair turned gray.”

The Democratic Debate Rocks

Unlike the GOP debate last week, which focused on personal attacks, frauds, and penis, the Democratic debate is full of substances. Both Clinton and Sanders are wise, thoughtful, and respectful. Sanders sounded a bit grumpy at times, but they both were fantastic in proving their differences rather than their characters.

Although I voted for Clinton and still hope she will get the nomination, I have no problem supporting Sanders if he wins. They both have their heart in the right place.

I like Clinton’s closing statement, in which she refuses to go down the gutter with the GOP’s primary candidate. I hope that she will stick to her words to win the election. I can’t see a bright future for America with Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. In fact, I would be very concerned if one of these guys will be our next president.

Trump’s Trump’s Party

Yo! GOP. Let’s kick it.

Trump’s Trump’s party.
Trump’s Trump’s party.

Alright Mex, collaborate and listen
I’ll deport your ass without questions
Marco, grab a hold of my dick tightly
Blow like a hard porn daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo, I don’t know
Turn off the lights and I’ll explode
To the extremists I rock you like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.

(That’s all I have.)

Trump’s and Clinton’s Supporters

These two articles from The New York Times give us a sense of the Trump’s and Clinton’s supporters:

Hillary for Primary

For the Democratic nomination, we only have two choices: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. I trust that you have done your research on the candidate you support; therefore, I won’t bored you with the details.

In short, both Hillary and Bernie shared similar visions for America. The differences are in their approach and experience. On economy, Bernie is bold, but Hillary is realistic. On foreign policy, she has stronger experience. On gun, she is tougher. On women, she is leading the fight.

Although her position on important issues is impressive, Hillary is not flawless. She has her share of problems, but she has maintained her resilience and progress. After weighing in the pros and cons, I have decided to cast my one vote for Hillary on Super Tuesday. She is the leader America need in the next four years.
