Trump Has No Policy

The New Yorker’s Adam Davidson writes:

Once Trump is done with his border wall and somehow gets tough on China, it’s not at all clear to anybody—including, clearly, him—how he will deal with the many issues a President confronts.

Dallas News Endorses Hillary

Dallas Morning News Editorial:

There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary Clinton.

We don’t come to this decision easily. This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for the nation’s highest office since before World War II — if you’re counting, that’s more than 75 years and nearly 20 elections.

This is a powerful endorsement.

Family First

Lizzie Widdicombe on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump:

To publicly break with one’s father—or father-in-law—isn’t easy. And for Ivanka and Jared it would be more than just awkward. It would be intolerable: viewed as a betrayal, grounds for banishment and reprisal. They would lose their position and their fortunes. Doing so would require acting against their own self-interest, as well as the interest of their families. And that’s not something that they tend to do.

Can’t blame them even when Trump destructs himself.

Obama Had Spoken

What an amazing speech from Obama at the DNC. Every moment is worth listening. Talking about a president with character and dignity. Obama deserves all the respect. I have no regret voting for him twice. In fact, I would vote for him again if I could, but I am glad that Hillary will continue his path. Let’s carry her to the White House. She is over-qualified and deserved to be our next president.

The First Lady Brought Down the DNC

Michelle Obama:

When she did not win the nomination eight years ago, she didn’t get angry or disillusioned. Hillary did not pack up and go home, because as a true public servant Hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments.

Take that, Bernie supporters.

Dangerous Trump

The Washington Post:

In an ordinary election year, we would acknowledge the Republican nominee, move on to the Democratic convention and spend the following months, like other voters, evaluating the candidates’ performance in debates, on the stump and in position papers. This year we will follow the campaign as always, offering honest views on all the candidates. But we cannot salute the Republican nominee or pretend that we might endorse him this fall. A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world.

Glad to see WP speaks out this early in the election.

Trump’s Ghostwriter Sets the Record Straight

In an intriguing piece in The New Yorker on Trump, Jane Mayer talks to Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of The Art of the Deal, about Trump’s attention span. Mayer writes:

“I put lipstick on a pig,” [Schwartz] said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Trump Exploits the Orlando Tragedy

The New Yorker’s David Remnick writes:

With every month, it has become clearer that Trump is a makeshift politician, whose rancid wit resides in his willingness to say whatever it takes to arouse the fears of a political base. He might have started his campaign with the idea of winning some votes and publicity, increasing his profile as a marketing whiz, and then dropping out. Good for business! But now that he has stunned the political world—and, likely, himself—he has shown little inclination (or, perhaps, capacity) to grow into his role, to modify his language, be it for the sake of the Republican establishment or of simple decency. He’ll have none of that. Whatever inflates his sense of self and prods the anxieties of the country—that’s what works for him.


Ken Burns Donald

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns addresses Stanford graduates:

So before you do anything with your well-earned degree, you must do everything you can to defeat the retrograde forces that have invaded our democratic process, divided our house, to fight against, no matter your political persuasion, the dictatorial tendencies of the candidate with zero experience in the much maligned but subtle art of governance; who is against lots of things, but doesn’t seem to be for anything, offering only bombastic and contradictory promises, and terrifying Orwellian statements; a person who easily lies, creating an environment where the truth doesn’t seem to matter; who has never demonstrated any interest in anyone or anything but himself and his own enrichment; who insults veterans, threatens a free press, mocks the handicapped, denigrates women, immigrants and all Muslims; a man who took more than a day to remember to disavow a supporter who advocates white supremacy and the Ku Klux Klan; an infantile, bullying man who, depending on his mood, is willing to discard old and established alliances, treaties and long-standing relationships.

Right on, Mr. Burns!

Why a Wounded Marine Won’t Support Trump

Justin Constantine in his open letter to Trump:

I’m the type of person you said should be a Trump supporter, but I don’t think that any veteran should support you based on what you’ve said and done since announcing you were running for president last year. It’s critical that all veterans take a close look at you and what you stand for. Many of the outrageous statements you’ve made over the last year not only provide us insight into your mindset and desired agenda, but demonstrate what little regard you have for veterans and the national security issues which affect all of us.
