My Son On The Presidential Election

A conversation between my seven-year-old son and me before last night’s debate:

Đạo: “Are you going to watch the debate?”
Dad: “Yes, son.”
Đạo: “I hope Hillary Clinton will win.”
Dad: “Why do you think she should win?”
Đạo: “Because she’s a good person.”
Dad: “What about Donald Trump? Is he a good man?”
Đạo: “No, because S [his best friend] said that Donald Trump made fun of someone with one eye.”

I thought he meant the reporter at The New York Times, but I googled “Trump mocks someone with one eye” and the story about Harry Reid came up. How did I miss that one?

Second Presidential Debate

The second debate was as nasty as expected. Donald Trump survived the ninety-minute without melting down, but he also proved to be dangerous, stupid, and still misogynist.

He threatened to put his opponent in jail: “If I win, I’m going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there’s never been so many lies, so much deception.” It is dangerous for a president to use his power for a revenge. We know he would do it because he is still hurt by what Rosie O’Donnell said to him years ago.

In the exchange over the carried-interest loophole, Donald blamed Hillary for not fixing the problem, but he has no clue how the political system works. Hillary had to teach him: “You know, under our constitution, presidents have something called veto power.” How stupid is it for someone who runs for president doesn’t understand seventh-grade Civics?

When Cooper Anderson pressed Donald on sexual assault, he responded, “I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do.” He respects women so much that he can do anything to them like “Grab them by the pussy.” Is that the kind of respect we want for women?

Ông Trùm Dâm Tặc

Hôm qua tờ Washington Post đăng lên một video clip thu lại những lời phát ngôn bừa bãi của ứng cử viên tổng thống Donald Trump. Ổng khoe khoang rằng vì ông ta là một ngôi sao nên muốn làm gì thì làm. Gặp gái đẹp chụp “lồn” cũng được.

Những ai theo dõi ông Trùm vài tháng nay sẽ không bị shock với những lời phát biểu ấy. Ông Trùm khinh bỉ đàn bà nhưng đản cộng hoà vẫn tôn sùng ông. Người tôn giáo cho rằng ông Trùm là thần thánh cứu họ ra khỏi tận thế. Họ lúc nào cũng đấu tranh cho bào thai nhưng lại không hề quang tâm đến những người mang bào thai.

Chỉ còn một tháng nữa là đến ngày bầu cử. Nhục nhã biết mấy cho đất nước Mỹ nếu ông Trùm dâm tặc trở thành tổng thống. Tôi hy vọng rằng điều đó sẽ không thành sự thật.

The Atlantic Endorses Hillary

The Atlantic Editors:

We are impressed by many of the qualities of the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, even as we are exasperated by others, but we are mainly concerned with the Republican Party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, who might be the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency.

The editors address Trump supporters:

Our endorsement of Clinton, and rejection of Trump, is not a blanket dismissal of the many Trump supporters who are motivated by legitimate anxieties about their future and their place in the American economy. But Trump has seized on these anxieties and inflamed and racialized them, without proposing realistic policies to address them.

This marks another historic endorsement for Hillary.

Some Comments On The VP Debate

Joan Walsh:

As I’ve written before: Trump likes controlling women sexually; Pence does it politically. When it comes to women’s rights, they are two patriarchs in a pod. And Pence showed it.

Rex Huppke:

Pence beat Kaine at debating, no doubt. But Kaine’s constant prodding and Pence’s consistent denials will come back to haunt the Trump campaign.

Pence won the battle Tuesday night. Kaine set his campaign up to win the war.

Benjamin Wallace-Wells:

One good way to score the debate is to say that everybody won except for Donald Trump himself. What you make of that probably depends on how you think about political loyalty.

Libby Nelson’s “7 criticisms of Trump that Mike Pence refused to answer”:

  1. Pence was asked to defend Trump’s most infamous moments — and said Clinton was the insulting one
  2. Pence was asked about Trump paying taxes. He ignored the question.
  3. Pence was asked about taxes again, and said Trump “is a businessman”
  4. Trump called women “pigs,” but Clinton called voters “deplorables”
  5. Kaine asked about McCain, Alicia Machado, and birtherism again, and Pence ignored it
  6. Kaine brought up Trump and nuclear weapons — and Pence mentioned 9/11
  7. Kaine mentioned that he was trying to get Pence to defend Trump — and Pence still wouldn’t

VP Debate

Both Senator Tim Kaine and Governor Mike Pence had done what they set out to do: destroys each other’s running mate. Kaine hit hard on Donald’s tax return again and again. He did a good job of answering the questions, defending Hillary, and attacking Donald. Pence, on the other hand, had a much harder time defending the indefensible Donald. His tactic was to avoid answering any question raised against Donald. From tax return to economy to law enforcement to deportation to “homegrown” terrorists, Pence turned around and attacked Hillary instead. The moderator, CBS News’ Elaine Quijano, should have pressed him hard to answer the questions like what Joy-Ann Reid had done with Boris Epshteyn.

My Nephew On Politics

Eric Tran:

I’ve done more research about each nominee. Most of the people in my school prefer Trump over Clinton. I’m one of the few people that prefer Clinton.

Although he is not old enough to vote yet, he has done his homework to decide for himself rather than following his peers. I am proud of him.

Dear Visitors,

Thank you for putting up with me during this election. If you find my political posts offensive and overwhelming, however, please come back after November 8.

I am passionate about the U.S. politic and deeply worried if our next president is a fucking demagogue, racist, and misogynist. I respect your choice. Vote for the candidate you choose. Based on my biased, unapologetic opinion, you know who I will vote for. I hope someday I will vote for a Republican candidate, but not this time. The stake is way to high.

I hope you will join me to vote for Hillary. Together we will not only prevent the most dangerous candidate from occupying the White House, but also make a historic moment for our first female president.

The Desert Sun Edorses Hillary

The Desert Sun Editorial Board:

Great leaders tap our better angels. And greatness requires “vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.” So advised one our most respected desert neighbors, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

By these measures, there is no other choice for president this year than Hillary Clinton. Though demonized by her critics, Clinton is supremely qualified to lead, especially compared to Trump.

The Desert Sun has not endorsed a Democrat in 90 years.

The San Diego Union-Tribune Edorses Hillary

The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board:

Terrible leaders can knock nations off course. Venezuela is falling apart because of the obstinance and delusions of Hugo Chávez and his successor. Argentina is finally coming out of the chaos created by Cristina Kirchner and several of her predecessors.

Trump could be our Chávez, our Kirchner. We cannot take that risk.

This paper has not endorsed a Democrat for president in its 148-year history. But we endorse Clinton. She’s the safe choice for the U.S. and for the world, for Democrats and Republicans alike.
