Trump’s Bedtime Story

The Huge Star and the Pussycats by Lauren Bans and Brett Bietz will make you cry from laughing. This passage is brutal:

Point is, Donald the star said something to his best friend, who’s a bush—you know what a bush is? It’s a short tree. So he’s talking to this friend, let’s call him Bushy. And Donald the star was telling Bushy the same story I’m telling you, about grabbing pussies. And maybe Donald said something along the lines of being on her like a bitch. Which is a female dog. You’re a smart girl. You know that. Nothing wrong with female dogs.

Can we get Trump to record this for an audio book?

The Great Embarrassment

Jill Lepore:

No one in the Republican Party can possibly believe that Trump is a better person, a man of finer nature, than the ordinary American voter. The problem for the Party is that no one, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, can even pretend to believe that anymore. No one can believe that in daylight, or in the darkest hour of night, while Trump, restless, tweets about the conspiracies that he believes are being hatched by his enemies—men and, especially, women—to fell him.

The idea of Trump losing to a woman on November 8 will put him in a mental health institution.

Trump’s Sorrowness

David Brooks analyzes the sad, loneliness Trump:

Women could be sources of love and affection, but in his disordered state he can only hate and demean them. His attempts at intimacy are gruesome parodies, lunging at women as if they were pieces of meat.

It is truly a depressing symptom.

Asian-Americans Dump Trump

Dhrumil Mehta and Jennifer Kanjana:

Vietnamese-Americans have historically leaned more Republican than other Asian-American subgroups, for example; Indian-Americans and Japanese-Americans have leaned more Democratic. Still, Democrats have made substantial gains across most ethnic subgroups of Asian-Americans.

Even though most Vietnamese-Americans voted Republican, we know too damn well the risk and danger of electing a dictator.

Daily Hampshire Gazette: “Trump is Unfit to Serve”

Editorial board

Sunday’s debate was a grotesque moment in American history, as Trump tried to recover from a tape that has finally sent many of his Grand Old Party supporters running for the exits. During the debate, he called Clinton a liar, the devil, a woman with “tremendous hate in her heart” who belongs in jail. He even went so far as to invite into the audience women whose claims of sexual misconduct involving former President Bill Clinton have long since been resolved or found to lack evidence.

The Record Endorses Hillary

Editorial board on Hillary:

[A]n individual with the temperament and compassion to be the president of the United States.

In comparison:

Donald Trump will fight with Americans; Hillary Clinton will fight for America.

Dalton Daily Citizen Endorses Hillary

Editorial board:

If you believe in keeping our country safe and stable through proven political experience and knowledge, you must look deeply at the issues and beyond the personalities of the choices for president in the Nov. 8 election.

We believe Democrat Hillary Clinton’s policies, plans and ambitions offer more balance and reliability for the nation than gambling on the risky promises of Republican Donald Trump. She has the political leadership competencies to steer a steady course in a time of increasing turmoil at home and around the world.

The Seattle Times Endorses Hillary

Editorial board:

America will face many challenges at home and abroad over the next four years. Still, its overall success and world leadership will continue — if Trump is not elected.

Clinton is the only choice for president. She is undeniably the candidate with the experience, skills, knowledge and self-control to do the job.

The Boston Globe Endorses Hillary

Editorial board:

After Clinton’s nearly 30 years in the national spotlight, voters know first-hand all of her foibles and flaws, all her strengths and beliefs. With a high degree of certainty, Americans can know that electing Clinton means picking a president who will work tirelessly to enact sensible gun control, protect the environment, keep America safe from terrorism, reform the immigration system, and grow the economy.

Trump’s Unending Sexism

Jia Tolentino nailed it:

[T]he worst of Trump’s many familiar male-specific debate tactics may have been when he said, so confidently, that “nobody” has more respect for women than him—that, to put it another way, women aren’t going to get more respect from anybody else.

An excellent read.
