The Des Moines Register Endorses Hillary

Editorial board:

For those who believe America should be a beacon of a hope in a world ravaged by terrorism, that it should be a force for good and that its leaders should embody all that is best about this nation, there is only one choice for president: Hillary Clinton.


He calls them Miss Piggy.
He grabs them by their pussy.
Then he says they are ugly.
The Donald has lost his basic decency.

Read more: #TrumpDrSeuss

The Miami Herald Endorses Hillary


Ms. Clinton is often accused of being secretive, which is true up to a point. Yet most of her adult life has been lived in the glare of the public spotlight. She has the scars and headlines to prove it. She may be the most scrutinized individual in public life. Her flaws have been chewed over for years. And yet she’s still standing, an accomplishment in itself. Throughout her trials and triumphs, she has shown an admirable level of resilience and self-confidence.

The Number is 15

15 women have accused Donald Trump of assaulting or violating them. My prediction might be correct: By Nov. 8 @realDonaldTrump will beat Cosby in sexual assault allegations.

In other news, Marlee Matlin responds to Trump’s “retarded” remark:

The fact that we are talking about this during a very important moment in American history has upset me deeply. As a person who is deaf, as a woman, as a mom, as a wife, as an actor, I have a voice. And I’m using that voice to make myself heard … and vote. There are millions of deaf and hard of hearing people like me, in the United States and around the world, who face discrimination and misunderstanding like this on a daily basis. It is unacceptable.

Hillarys for President

Jack Hitt:

By electing Clinton, America will get all our Hillarys, and no surprises. Her enemies know what they’re up against, her allies appreciate her many strengths, the press has been pre-schooled in her hunker-down style of squeezing out petulant clarifications, and her progressive critics formed their suspicions several presidents ago. For this electoral moment, though, Clinton may be precisely the president we need, flaws and all.

More Women Speaking Out

While Kristin Anderson says Trump reached under her skirt and groped her in early 1990s, Summer Zervos, former ‘Apprentice’ contestant, claims Trump groped her. I have nothing but respect and support for these courageous women.

Clinton vs. Trump on Taxes

Jim Tankersley breaks down “Who would win and lose under Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s tax plans.”

Hillary Clinton’s tax plan:

Working families, particularly low-income parents with young children. Clinton would double the existing child tax credit for working-class families from a maximum of $1,000 a year to $2,000 a year, per child, for children 4 and under. She would expand the credit to an estimated 14 million more families by changing income thresholds for benefiting from it. She would also create new tax credits for out-of-pocket health-care expenses and for caring for a parent or grandparent. Clinton has suggested she could offer new tax credits to defray child care expenses as part of her plan to limit any family’s spending on child care to no more than 10 percent of its income, but she has not specified how that would work.

Donald Trump’s tax plan:

Trump’s plan eliminates taxpayers’ ability to claim deductions for each of their children — and a provision called “head of household” status that lowers tax bills for many single parents. New York University professor and former Obama administration economic adviser Lily Batchelder estimates that those losses would more than outweigh the benefits of Trump’s plan for millions of families and single parents.

Clinton Campaign’s Competent Messaging

Eric Levitz:

Women did come forward with accusations of sexual assault months ago. The New York Times ran a long story on Trump “crossing the line” with women — including, allegedly, kissing and groping them without their permission — back in May. A former Miss USA–pageant contestant claimed that Trump had groped her in a Facebook post published in June. And the full trail of sexual-assault allegations against Trump goes back decades, to depositions from the mogul’s first divorce, in which Ivana Trump accused her ex-husband of rape.

The GOP candidates could have exposed Trump:

If Marco Rubio wanted to make Trump’s mistreatment of women a central story line in the GOP primary, he could have introduced Alicia Machado’s story at a Republican debate. Or his campaign could have leaked Trump’s most retrograde Howard Stern comments to CNN. Or he could have highlighted the many accusations of sexual assault already reported and on the record. He chose not to do so.

Voting Against the Deplorables

John Scalzi:

I want to be clear that in voting against Trump, I’m not only voting against him as an individual, although given who he is as an individual — a racist, a misogynist, a liar and a cheat — that would be more than enough. I am also voting against the people who I see as the shock troops of the Trump campaign: the racists, the anti-semites, the religiously intolerant, the sexists and bullies, the toxic stew of hate, stupidity and sociopathy that has tried to pass into respectability with the jazzy new title of “alt-right,” but which is just the Klan and the neo-Nazis all over again.

In voting against Trump, I’m voting against the alt-right and larger pool of hate in which they fester, against the people who slur women, blacks, latinos, Jews, Muslims, LGBT folks and others on social media and elsewhere, against the ones who promise them a march to the ovens or a noose over a tree branch or a rape in an alley, against the ones who glory in the fact that Trump’s candidacy lends their bigotry mainstream cover, and the ones who, should Trump win, have plans for anyone and everyone who isn’t them. I’m voting against the people who believe, when Trump says “Make America great again,” it means “Make everyone else afraid again.”

The Trump’s Bomb is Ticking

John Cassidy:

It is in this context—a race that is basically done, but not quite over—that Trump’s latest rhetoric and the responses to it need to be viewed. In the past few days, the de-facto leader of Trump’s party, Paul Ryan, has all but deserted him. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, has grown so confident that it has made plans to shift some resources to congressional races. At the same time, the allegations of sexual misconduct levelled against Trump have mounted.
