Obama on Unity

Barack Obama gave an inspiring speech at the 2024 DNC:

We live in a time of such confusion and rancor, with a culture that puts a premium on things that don’t last: money, fame, status, likes. We chase the approval of strangers on our phones. We build all manner of walls and fences around ourselves, and then we wonder why we feel so alone. We don’t trust each other as much because we don’t take the time to know each other. And in that space between us, politicians and algorithms teach us to caricature each other and troll each other and fear each other.

But here’s the good news, Chicago: All across America, in big cities and small towns, away from all the noise, the ties that bind us together are still there. We still coach Little League and look out for our elderly neighbors. We still feed the hungry in churches and mosques and synagogues and temples. We share the same pride when our Olympic athletes compete for the gold. Because the vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided. We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and the excitement that we’re seeing around this campaign tells us we’re not alone.

He went on:

As much as any policy or program, I believe that’s what we yearn for: a return to an America where we work together and look out for each other. A restoration of, what Lincoln called on the eve of civil war, our “bonds of affection.” An America that taps what he called “the better angels of our nature.”

Obama is such a good man. Respect!

Michelle Slapped That Bitch Up

In her 2024 DNC speech, Michelle Obama finally said his name and shredded him into small pieces of confetti:

For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us.

See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black. I want to know—who’s going to tell him that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?

It’s his same old con. Doubling down on ugly, misogynistic, racist lies as a substitute for real ideas and solutions that will actually make people’s lives better.

Look, because cutting our health care, taking away our freedom to control our bodies, the freedom to become a mother through I.V.F., like I did—those things are not going to improve the health outcomes of our wives, mothers and daughters. Shutting down the Department of Education, banning our books—none of that will prepare our kids for the future. Demonizing our children for being who they are and loving who they love, look, that doesn’t make anybody’s life better. Instead, it only makes us small. And let me tell you this: Going small is never the answer. Going small is the opposite of what we teach our kids. Going small is petty. It’s unhealthy. And quite frankly, it’s unpresidential.

So, why would any of us accept this from anyone seeking our highest office. Why would we normalize that type of backward leadership?

Damn, you go First Lady!

A Case for Harris

When President Biden dropped out and endorsed Kamala Harris, I was deeply concerned. I had no doubt about Harris’s credibility and electability. I had doubts about America. Is America ready for a president who is a woman and a minority? I still don’t know the answer.

At this point, there’s no turning back. I need to turn my pessimism to optimism. Even without knowing who she will pick for her running mate, I am all in for Harris. Her opponent is too dangerous for America. He will kill democracy. Four more years under his authoritarian power, we won’t be able to recognize this country.

If you love America, I urge you to join me to vote for Harris. If you are Republican or independent and you are still on the fence, please consider saving our democracy and vote for Harris.

We Are Fucked

I had checked out of politics in the past four years. I hadn’t followed the news. I avoided getting into political discussions. It has been good for my mental health.

At this point in the presidential election, however, I can no longer ignore the race. We can’t go back to another four years of chaos and craziness under the authoritarian regime. Democracy was on the brink of collapse back then.

The last four years had been great and now that Biden has dropped out, I am behind Kamala Harris all the way. I will vote for her if she becomes the nominee, but let’s keep it real. America is not ready for a female President. We witnessed that in 2016. Furthermore, America is not ready for an Asian-descent President.

I hope I am dead wrong, but I am deeply concerned not only the President, but also the House and the Senate will lose. Then the Supreme Court will be filled with Republican Justices. Democracy will die in the next four years if we can’t stop him.

The Democratic establishment has fucked up.

Virginia Swings Left Again

I voted yesterday. I didn’t even know any of the candidates. I just filled in the names with a D next to them. If there were no D next to their names, I relied on the sample ballot handed out by the Democrats. I don’t care for the Democrats. I just can’t stand the Republicans. I was also glad that the Democrat incumbent beat the Vietnamese-American MAGA magnet in District 9. He was such a joke. Flipping the House of Delegates is a huge blow to Youngkin’s right-wing agenda and his limits on access to abortion.

Re-elect Delegate Karrie Delaney

Virginians, if you live in the 67th district, you must re-elect Delegate Karrie Delaney because her challenger is a nutcase. He’s still a Trumper who uses fear tactics to get votes. He’s attacking Ms. Delaney a communist because he knows the Vietnamese community in Virginia hates the communists. In fact, he would label anyone communists if they disagreed with him.

I want to support a fellow Vietnamese-American candidate, but this guy is wrong for the job. He is stuck in the far-right bubble. If he isn’t Asian, he would join the Proud Boys. I had a few political exchanges with him and he quoted misleading and misinformation sources. We can’t have someone who can’t tell opinions from facts to represent us.

Furthermore, I doubt that he will be able to perform his public duty when he couldn’t even get his own life together. When he volunteered to teach our children Vietnamese, he failed to show up just for 45 minutes a week. Even just a small commitment he couldn’t keep. He isn’t going to commit to being a serious delegate. I wouldn’t vote for him if I were in his district. Please vote for Delegate Delaney.

There, I did my civic duty.

Politics is a Bitch

Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Mike Pence have entered the race. These candidates had once worshipped the ground Trump spat on. Now they all are fighting against him. Ain’t politics a motherfucking bitch? Chris Christie is expected to run as well. Can’t wait to see the GOP pigsty fights.

As for the Democrats, I would like to see a challenger. I am not ageism because I am half of Biden’s age and I already feel so fucking old. Then again, Biden has made historic legislative achievements in his first term. He’ll get more done in his second term. We’ll see.

Comeback to What?

Ron DeSantis has entered the 2024 presidential race. In his announcement, he boasts, “I’m running for president to lead our Great American Comeback.” Comeback to what? As a governor of Florida, DeSantis leads the fight in banning books. In what period of America was reading being banned? Remember the acts against the education of slaves South Carolina, 1740 and Virginia, 1819? His messages and his actions in Florida are loud and clear. DeSantis wants to take our Great America back to slavery.

Ageism is Bullshit

Since Biden won the presidency in 2020, I have been liberated from politics. I haven’t paid attention to politics. I haven’t discussed politics. I haven’t blogged about politics.

Despite all the attacks, Biden has passed essential legislations. He got us out of the pandemic. His biggest victory was beating the whiny little bitch and he will do it again.

Biden has announced his 2024 reelection bid and both sides have criticized him on his age. I am sure Biden will make it to his 90s so let’s just stop the ageism bullshit. I will vote for him over that orange shit any time.

If, God forbidden, something will happen to him during his second term, Kamala Harris will be more than ready to step in. So let’s also stop the sexism. Again, I would pick President Harris over the piece of shit on the other side any time.

The Great Replacement

Fox News used the great replacement theory to replace Tucker Carlson. How does it feel getting whipped by your own cane, Tucker? The firing shows that no job is secured—even the top-rated asshole like Tucker.

Let’s face it. Fox News is fake and bullshit. That’s why the network had dropped “fair and balanced” years ago. If you still watch and trust Fox News—after what Dominion has exposed—then you need to get a reality check.