America, The Great

How ironic is it that a malignant narcissistic who claimed to make America great again had brought out the greatness in America? His executive action was meant to divide us, but it united us instead. I am grateful to witness the support, particularly the lawyers working on the ground, for our Muslim families. One of the characteristics that makes America great is its diversity; therefore, an attack on one particular community is an attack on all of us. We must fight against bigotry. America is great when we are together. Not a damn demagogue can tear us apart.

President Cabrera on Immigration Ban

George Mason President Ángel Cabrera:

At George Mason, hundreds of faculty, staff and students were born outside of the United States, including our Provost, our Vice President of Research, our Dean of Science, some of our most distinguished professors, and yours truly. Many of the most talented leaders, academics, humanitarians, and entrepreneurs to come out of Mason are immigrants.…

It is now more important than ever that we continue to be an example of civility and inclusion, a place where we can all thrive together regardless of where we come from. This is not only the defining characteristic of our university; it is the hallmark of American higher education.

Information Wars

Steve Coll:

The major news organizations are still reckoning with how to report on the President’s lies. Many newspapers and networks now forthrightly point out false statements by Trump and his spokespeople. Such fact checking is essential, but it is also a task of the President’s making, one full of traps. Trump and his aides provoke conflict with the media to fire up supporters and renew the narrative of a people’s champion at war with the bicoastal establishment.

One might wish that the solemn responsibility of leading a nuclear-armed world power would steer a successful seventy-year-old man away from routinely telling whoppers, yet it is hardly surprising that Trump has not changed since taking the oath of office. He has a long record as salesman, provocateur, self-promoter, and self-worshipper. His eruptions on Twitter and on live TV damage American democracy and credibility, but there are even more worrying aspects of the disinformation emanating from and around the Administration.

I still have faith in the media, The New Yorker in particular.

Cowards Without Conscience

Let’s face it. We have a fucked-up president. What even more fucked up is the cowardice from the GOP leaders who take party orgies over their own conscience. The immigration ban is disgraceful, unconstitutional, and un-American. The Republicans in Congress who stayed silent on this issue will go down in history as a bunch of wimps. Fortunately, we still have the ACLU fighting to protect the rights of the people. In time like this, we need to support this organization.

Crazy First Week

What a narcissistic lunatic we are dealing with. He is still obsessed with the crowd size. He is still raging about the baseless voting fraud even though he had won. He is still insisting on building the wall that we—not Mexico—are going to pay for. At this point, this out-of-control, self-centered fascist could come up with any crazy shit and the top Republican leaders will go along because they are nothing but a bunch of cowards.

Seeking a Position in Alternative Fact Checker

Dear Hiring Manager,

I would like to apply for the position of Alternative Fact Checker in the Fact-Checking Organization. The job descriptions and responsibilities seem to fit with my expertise and career interest.

I have over twenty years of experience in Googling shit. I am proficient in detecting latest alternative facts. Furthermore, I have deep passion for calling out bullshit. My online portfolio provides more details on my qualifications. For additional information such as educational and professional background, check out my resume.

Please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further qualifications and learn more about this opportunity.

Thank you for your consideration. Look forward to hearing from you.

Alternative Facts are Delusions

Mary Norris:

“Alternate facts” would refer to two facts in rotation with each other. They would still be facts. “Alternative facts” do not share that quality. They do not have actual existence. Alternative facts are delusions.

Thank You, World

The world stands with us to fight fascism. Power to the people all over the globe.

Pink is the New Orange

John Cassidy:

On just his second day in office, the new President was dealt an unprecedented and massive popular rebuke. No longer can he claim that he draws bigger crowds than anybody else—or not in the way that he would like to make that boast. For years and decades to come, the sight of countless women (and men) walking, laughing, shouting, and singing in their pussycat hats will remain fresh in the memory. Indeed, it will go down in the history books as Trump’s first achievement. After just twenty-four hours in office, he turned many of America’s public spaces pink.

The Divider

Amy Davidson:

As a candidate, he seized on the darker moments of the American past to turn voters’ discontent into disdain, their doubts into conspiratorial suspicions. His speech was a warning of how deeply he might be willing to divide the country in order to deflect attention from his own policy failures, and how dangerous the resentments he blithely plays upon could be.