What He Eats Doesn’t Make Me Shit

I don’t care if he likes to eat his steak well-done with ketchup. In fact, I don’t give a fuck if he likes to eat shit and get peed on. I am not worried that he eats like a five-year-old, but I am deeply terrified that a five-year-old is running our country.

Unhinged Leader

George Packer:

After a month in office, Donald Trump has already proved himself unable to discharge his duties. The disability isn’t laziness or inattention. It expresses itself in paranoid rants, non-stop feuds carried out in public, and impulsive acts that can only damage his government and himself. Last week, at a White House press conference, the President behaved like the unhinged leader of an unstable and barely democratic republic. He rambled for nearly an hour and a half, on script and off; he flung insults at reporters; he announced that he was having fun; and he congratulated himself so many times and in such preposterous terms (“this Administration is running like a fine-tuned machine”) that the White House press corps could only stare in amazement.

Packer concludes:

An authoritarian and erratic leader, a chaotic Presidency, a supine legislature, a resistant permanent bureaucracy, street demonstrations, fear abroad: this is what illiberal regimes look like. If Trump were more rational and more competent, he might have a chance of destroying our democracy.

Enemies of the Incompetent President

David Remnick:

For all the chaos and resulting gloom these past weeks, it has been heartening to see so many “enemies of the American people”—protesters, judges, journalists, citizens of all kinds, even some members of Congress—do their work despite Presidential denunciation, not necessarily as partisans of one party or another but as adherents to a Constitution.

Keep fighting and resisting until he’s down and out.

Conway, Go Away

Erin Gloria Ryan:

I simply cannot dredge up any sympathy for a person who has acknowledged the structural problems most women face only when she is personally facing them, or used them as derailing tactics when she’s losing an argument. I can’t mourn the downfall of a fair-weather feminist, a woman who has used her power to hurt other women.

I am no longer paying attention to her alternative facts.

Kudos to Larry Wilmore

In this week’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Larry Wilmore straightened out lil Milo who is not only confused about his sexual orientation, but also desperate for attention. It is such a pleasure watching a thoughtful comedian schooled an ignorant whippersnapper. Yes, go fuck yourself. You’re a pathetic, douchey, little pain-in-the-fucking ass from England.

Whining and Bitching

He was not ranting and raving, just whining and bitching like a whiny little bitch. The orange, thin-skinned whiny little bitch was hurt by the press’s tone of hatred. From grabbing women’s pussy to banning Muslim to dishonoring judges, his tone and action are filled with hatred. If you want to be a president, behave like one. If you can’t, get the fuck out. Stop whining and bitching. By the way, I am not ranting and raving. I am just having fun.

The Vicious Sean Spicer

Melissa McCarthy nailed her impersonation of the jackass who is White House Press Secretary. I couldn’t stand a second watching the real guy, but loved every second of McCarthy’s performance. She didn’t just mocked him; she became him. Thank goodness for Saturday Night Lives in these dark days.


Adam Gopnik:

Resistance rises from the street, but also from within the system, as it should, with judicial stays and State Department dissenters. Opposing bad governments with loud speech, unashamed argument, and public demonstration is not the part that’s off the normal grid: it’s the pro-American part, exactly what the Constitution foresees and protects. Dissent is not courageous or exceptional. It is normal—it’s Madisonian, it’s Hamiltonian. It’s what we’re supposed to do.

Go Falcons

Although I don’t give a shit about the Super Bowl, I am rooting for the Falcons this time. Fuck Robert Kraft, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, and their deflated balls. Fucking cheaters and authoritarian lovers, they are no patriots.

Tomi Got Schooled

In her appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Tomi Lahren showed that she is nothing more than another loud, ignorant, and thoughtless Trump supporter. She got schooled by Maher, Jason Kander, Michael Eric Dyson, and Rick Wilson. On reverse-racism, which Lahren believes it’s true, Wilson shot back, “Since I’m a conservative and not a Trump person, let me say this: That’s absurd. That’s fucking crazy.” This blondie is as annoying as Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway, but without the experience.