HVAC Inspection

I made an arrangement with Mr. Điệp Trần to service our HVAC unit after he fixed the outside unit last November. Instead he inspected the units and pumped about 2 pounds of refrigerants. He charged me $235.

Our Trane systems are 16 years old. The inside unit is getting moldy. He recommends replacing both units and add UV lights to prevent mold. We’re looking at $15,000. Damn!

I am not sure if we should go ahead and drop $15,000 for a peace of mind or just ride the current systems until they die out. My wife and I still have some time to think about it.

Changing Cabin Air Filters

Last weekend I asked Đạo and Đán to help me clean up our cars. Đạo took the vacuum and went to work. Đán, on the other hand, kept watching Youtube instead of wiping down the interior. He told me he wanted to change the cabin air filters. I told him I would let him do it but I needed to order the filters first before he opened up the glove compartment. The glove compartment in the 2011 Toyota Sienna is falling apart anyway so I didn’t mind letting him give it a shot.

I order the filters on Amazon so he could change both cars. I am glad he did because the filter in the 2011 Toyota Sienna was so dirty. I am not sure if the dealer ever changed it when I took the car in for oil change. The 2018 still looked clean, but he changed it out anyway.

I am so happy when the kids wanted to do these kind of things instead of sitting in front of their screens.

Replacing a Pull-Chain Switch

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I hit the light switch on the ceiling fan and broke the chain. After work, I opened up the canopy and tried to remove the broken chain. I messed up the whole circuit trying to put it back together. I didn’t want to waste any time so I went to Home Depot to find a replacement.

I asked one of the associates to help me find the part and he immediate told me it was only available online even though the website said at least 5 items were in store. I had to find it myself and I did.

I went home, installed the new part, and voila! It worked. I wasted almost 2 hours on this tiny job. It was a good learning experience. I will order more parts for other ceiling fans too.

Another day, another DIY. The 3 Amp Single-Pole Single Circuit Pull-Chain Switch cost $5.

Flushing Water Heater

It had been a year already since I installed a new water heater. As I am typing up this document, I am draining the water from the tank. Here’s my flushing process:

  1. Turn off the electric power
  2. Shut off the cold water valve that goes into the tank
  3. Connect the hose at the bottom of the tank
  4. Open the hot side faucet in the basement bathroom and kitchen sink
  5. Flip up the relief valve on the tank to release air
  6. Turn on the valve at the bottom of the tank where the hose is connect it
  7. Let it drain and wait (do something else like writing this blog post
  8. Check the expansion tank to make sure the water pressure matched the main water pressure, which is 48 to 50 PSI
  9. Turn on the cold water valve on and off several times (once the tank is completely drained) to flush out more sediment
  10. Close the valve and disconnect the hose
  11. Turn the cold water valve on the tank back on
  12. Flip the relief valve down once the water reached halfway or higher
  13. Turn off the sink valves in the basement bathroom and kitchen
  14. Turn the power back on

It was not a bad process. I will do it every year to make sure the tank is in good shape and the water is clean. If you haven’t tried it yet, check out this video.

Community Sale

Last Saturday, we pulled together our first community sale. A week before, I started to collect everything we hadn’t used in years including toys, books, rollerblades, bikes, helmets, vases, shoes, and everything in between. I was excited to get rid of the things that I had wanted to throw away for a while.

The sale started at 8:00 am, but I woke up around 6:00 to get everything ready. Most of the things I just wanted to give away, especially mix boxes of toys. Once I had everything set up, I asked Đạo and Đán to be in charge of the sales. They could keep whatever they sold. Only Đạo was willing to do the sales.

At 10:00 am, he made about $30. Then the rain started to pour. We had to cover everything with the tarps. The rain stopped around 11:30 am. We opened business back up, but couldn’t sell anything. We kept all the free stuff out for grab, but no one picked up anything.

On Sunday, we continued to put all the free stuff out while my wife posted a few items on Facebook’s Marketplace. We made more money through Facebook’s Marketplace than on our driveway. On Monday, I took all the unwanted boxes to Goodwill.

It felt great to be able to get rid of so much junk in our basement. For 15 years, I always dreaded all the stuff that we had collected and could not let go. I didn’t want to hurt my wife’s feelings, but I started to feel stressed out everytime I wanted to tidy up our place.

We still need to get rid of more things, but I will try to sell them through Facebook’s Marketplace. As for community sale, it was our first and our last.

Insulated Our Attic

After hooking up the pipes for the bathroom vent, we decided to give the attic an extra layer of fiberglass insulation. The installation process didn’t look so bad from watching this video.

It was the worst job I had ever done. I spent 4 hours yesterday crawling around the tight space full of nails on the top and dust at the bottom. Thank goodness the weather was not too hot. I finished spreading all of the insulations around 7:00 pm. Then I realized I covered both sides of the vent.

This morning, I had to crawl one more time at the edges to tuck the insulations underneath the carton vent. It took 2 more hours.

I hoped the insulations worked. It took 24 rolls at $34 per roll. The total for the materials was $816. The labor was priceless.

Redoing the Pipes

After hiring a handyman connecting the pipes for the bathroom fans yesterday, I noticed that when one bathroom fan was on, the air blew back to the other bathroom. I checked the fan and found out that the flapper was not closing.

Today, I decided to take the entire old fan out and install a new one. Taking out the housing was time consuming. I couldn’t remove the nails so I had to cut off the aluminum. While replacing the housing, I decided to redo what the handyman had done yesterday. He did such a shitty job connecting the 4-in pipes to the 3-in pipes. I streamlined the connection and used only 3-in pipes.

The process took almost six hours. I spent about half of that on the attic. Thanks goodness the weather was not that hot yet. I spent about $100 on the materials including the new fan. It was a good learning experience.

I am not sure if I will use the handyman again. I thought he was a friend since we liked to drink and I took him out to eat and drink before, but I guess money comes first.

Connecting the Pipes

As I was replacing the bathroom fan, I recalled that the pipe just blew moisture into the attic. When we first moved in, we hired an electrician to install recessed lights as well as the bathroom fan. He put the flexible pipe from the fan into open space in the attic. He told me it was the conventional practice. I trusted him and never questioned it.

Fifteen years later, I realized that was not a good idea. When I watched a few clips on YouTube, I was horrified with all the molds on the woods when people just put the exhaust pipe blowing into the attic. I always hated going up the attic, but I had to just to see if there were any mold. To my relief, I didn’t spot anything even though the only circulation system we had was the ridge vent on the roof. The electrician was probably right.

Nevertheless, I wanted to get it right. When I watched YouTube videos, the consensus was to cut the roof and install the pipe to let the moisture go outside. No way I was going to cut the roof myself. I called Ricardo, my trusted handyman, to make an appointment for today to do the job.

Last night, however, I sought out advice from a friend who is an architecture. He told me I could connect the pipe from that bathroom to the pipe from another bathroom, which already had a vent to the roof. As long as both fans had flappers, I should be fine. All I needed was to remove the pipe to the roof and attach an aluminum T connector and hook up the other pipe from the other fan.

I went back to the attic and figured I could do the job myself, but I already called the handyman and didn’t want to cancel him. He showed up late and his eyes were all watery. I asked him if he was drinking last night and he told me he was drinking every night. Nevertheless, I let him do his job. We went to Lowe’s to pick up the flexible pipe and the aluminum T connector.

When he tried to install it, the materials we bought were bigger than the ones already installed. I told him I could run to Home Depot to pick up smaller pipes, but he me told they don’t make those anymore. He ended up taping the big pipes to the smaller pipes. It was a hack of a job. It didn’t look nice at all, but I could careless since it was on the attic. He charged me $150.

I am thinking of taking everything apart and repipe them myself. If I could find the right size for the pipes, I could do it with minimal tapes. I am not going to sweat it for now. I’ll revisit this project later on. The materials were about $40. It was not a bad $150 lesson.

Replacing Bathroom Fan

Yesterday our master bathroom fan stopped working. I bought the exact same model (Broan-NuTone 688 Ceiling and Wall Ventilation, 50 CFM 4.0 Sones, White Bath Fan) to replace. Plugged the fan back in and still nothing was running.

The next step was replacing the housing. I thought the plug might have gone bad. Still nothing. The culprit was the switch. I should have checked the switch first. I replaced the switch and everything worked.

Fortunately the fan only cost $22 so I was not sweating it. The small job I could have done in 3 minutes turned into 3 hours. Lesson learned.

More Car Fix

Just when I thought I got all the car dramas out of the way, I had to go back to Costco yesterday evening to drop off our 2011 Toyota Sienna. My wife drove over a nail and punctured the rear passenger tire. I brought the car in at 6 pm and they called me at 9:30 pm to let me know it was finished. I still need to pick it up after work today. Did I say I hate dealing with cars? There’s a saying in Vietnamese, “Ghét của nào trời trao của nấy.” It’s true. Whatever you hate, God will give it to you. All these times, I thought God only give me good things.
