Season 24-25: Day 42

The condition at Liberty was superb. The corduroy was fantastic for carving. I started out skiing and I carved on the blue trails. I even carved a bit on the double-black terrains.

After three seasons of learning and trying to carve, I finally reached the level of satisfaction. I could feel the smooth edges of my skis dug into the snow. I could control my speed even though I skied faster than my normal pace. I could see the two railroad tracks I left behind.

Even though I had been snowboarding more, I am happy with the progression I had made with skiing, especially with carving techniques.

I did a few rides on my snowboard on the double-black terrains and blue trails. I still need more carving practice. I still have about 4 weeks left for the season. I can’t believe we’re already near the end of February. Whitetail will be closing around mid March.

Season 24-25: Day 41

I took off work today to go skiing and snowboarding with our family. The conditions at Liberty were awesome. I did some runs on the double blacks and blues. The crowd was not too crazy.

I should just stop snowboarding on the double blacks and just focus on carving on the greens and blues. I want to get better before the season’s over.

Nevertheless, I had fun with my kids. I’ll be back to work tomorrow.

Season 24-25: Day 40

I went to sleep late last night and had to wake up early. Needless to say, I didn’t get enough sleep.

I arrived at Whitetail around 7:30 am and headed over to Kid Mountain Camp around 8:15 am. I was supposed to teach snowboarding, but no students showed up. I was reassigned to help another instructor teach skiing instead. No problem. I just had to change my boots. I was a bit bored. Teach snowboarding was way more fun. Nevertheless, the kids were doing great.

We had a cookout for lunch. I had a veggie burger. I didn’t want to eat beef to risk a gout attack. This is not a good time to get gout attack.

After lunch I knew I was not going to teach. I was planning on working on my carving skills on snowboard, but the snowboard instructors decided to have a clinic. I joined them. It was not that useful. I should have just ride on my own. Then the rain was just pouring. We went back to the school house soaking wet. I decided to get another veggie burger and waited for the rain to die out.

I headed home when the rain stopped and was struggling to stay awake. I didn’t get to do much on my own. That’s fine. I already took the day off tomorrow for President’s Day. I’ll take Xuân and Vương with me.

I can believe today marks my 40 days on the mountains this year.

Season 24-25: Day 39

As our whole family headed to Whitetail, we ran into snow rain, which was fine until it turned into rain. Nevertheless, I had a group lesson with two ladies. They did OK despite the rain.

After the two-hour lesson, I was soaking wet. Fortunately, I had another jacket to replace my uniform jacket. There was no lesson in the evening; therefore, I was done at 3:00 pm.

I went riding with Xuân. We both snowboarded. Xuân wanted to carve. He was carving for a bit. I turned my body forward more into an open position. I also leaned forward with my body low to the ground. I could feel the board gripped into the snow.

I am finally carving. I would like to do some more carving tomorrow after teaching.

Season 24-25: Day 38

I skied at Liberty. The conditions were great. I skied down the double black and carved on the blues. I am starting to get a hang of carving and loving it. I can carve all day. I had to take advantage of the nice weather. Tomorrow and Sunday will be rained. Let’s hope Monday will be great. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Season 24-25: Day 37

After a day of snow, I thought it would be good to hit the mountains. Unfortunately, the rain and the warm temperature melted the snow. Nevertheless, the condition at Liberty was decent.

I took Đạo, Xuân, and Vương to Liberty for a few runs. Đán didn’t want to join. He’s a game addict. We arrived at Liberty at 4:00 pm. The rain picked up a bit and the fog made visibility poor.

We went to the back side and did a blue run to warm up. As we took the lift up, we saw a teenage boy skied down the double-black terrain fast and out of control. He crashed into two little kids about Vương’s age. It was a hard crash. Both of the kids were yanked out of their skis. The poor little girl broke her leg. My heart broke for her. I hoped his conscience ate at him. I was not on the mood to snowboard anymore.

Nevertheless, I followed Xuân and Vương. We stayed for 2 hours and headed back home. It was still a nice bonding time together.

Season 24-25: Day 36

I arrived to work two hours early. No one was there. I relaxed a bit then put on my ski boots. I went out with the ski instructors for the clinic. It was very interesting even though I was not interested in the techniques. I just wanted to learn how to carve.

At the line up, my supervisor told me to keep my ski boots so I could shadow another ski instructor. Then I got reassigned to help out with a group of four kids. We tested their skills. Two of them skied well and two were first-time. She took the first-timer and assigned me with the intermediate skiers. I took them on the magic carpet, lift, and then we went on the long green. We had a lot of fun together.

At lunchtime, I ordered a veggie burger with bacon. The man behind the grill told me, “That’s an interesting request, but sure.” I really miss burgers. I just can’t risk getting a gout attack during the season. The impossible burger was actually pretty close to a real burger.

In the afternoon, I switched out to my snowboard boots. I planned on riding because I didn’t think I would have a class. I told my supervisor I already taught skiing this morning, someone else could take the lesson. For some reasons, other instructors turned down the lesson. They might want to dip out for the Super Bowl. She assigned me to the lesson. I taught two adults who were learning snowboarding for the first time. The lesson went well.

After the lesson, I went for a few runs, but I was exhausted so I left. I was having a hard time staying awake driving home. I pulled into a McDonald’s to take a nap. That helped a lot. For my own safety and others, I rather stopped and took a nap then kept driving.

I went home, took a quick shower, and arrived late at my friend’s house for the Super Bowl. He opened a bottle of the twelve-year-old Hakushu. It was so damn smooth. We killed between the three of us. We didn’t really pay much attention to the Super Bowl, but I was glad the Eagles won. Philadelphia was my college town.

I took the Lyft home afterward because I didn’t want to risk getting caught for DUI. Cops were probably out waiting for the post Super Bowl.

Season 24-25: Day 35

The whole fam headed to Whitetail today. It was Xuân last meeting for the Whitetrailers snowboarding camp. He enjoyed snowboarding. He wanted to do it again next year, which should be fine if I would continue to teach next season.

I taught one class in the afternoon and didn’t have to teach in the evening. I skied with Vương and my wife for a bit. Since it was Xuân’s birthday and he wanted sushi for dinner, we headed to a sushi buffet afterward.

As we were driving home, my wife and I had a bit of discussion about the teaching gig I am doing. We also shared the numbers with the kids to help them understand how making a living isn’t easy.

I taught 2 hours and made $40. The gas price for commuting back and forth cost $32. I used to take the express lanes, which cost up to $35. My wife banned me from taking the express lanes. The sushi buffet dinner cost $220. We tried not to eat out, except for special occasions.

I am taking on this job for the perks and my passion, not the pays. My wife questioned whether it was worth it to save $3,000 season passes for the entire family. My answer was, “Hell yeah.” Besides the perks, I enjoyed teaching. Teaching required technical, communication, and leadership skills. Whether I taught 1 person or a group of 18 people, I applied all of those skills plus patience.

In addition, being an instructor gave me and my family access to lessons and camps. So far, only Xuân took advantage of the snowboarding camp. I joined the ski clinic every Sunday morning. I had been loving the lessons.

The only downside was that I didn’t have too much of my own development time. After I was done with teaching, I was so exhausted that I wanted to just go home to my family.

Giving how short the winter season had been and where I am at with my skiing and snowboarding skills, I am fine with making the compromise. If everything goes well, I will return teaching next season.

Season 24-25: Day 34

I went to Liberty for a few runs. I snowboarded on the back side. I hit the double black and blue trails. The conditions were great. I only stayed for about an hour. It was fun. I enjoyed it.

Season 24-25: Day 33

We are about halfway through the season. For Whitetail, we only have about a month and a half left. Damn! It’s way too fast.

I woke up early this morning and headed to Whitetail. I joined the ski clinic. I just wanted to ski with the instructors’ instructors. After the clinic, I changed out my snowboard boots to lineup. My snowboard supervisor called me over and asked if I wanted to be a dual instructor. The ski instructors wanted me to become a ski instructors as well since I had been participating in the ski clinics. I was like, sure why not.

I changed back to my ski boots so I could shadow a beginner lesson. There were 18 students from age 7 to 13. The young instructor who was assigned to the class freaked out. He called the supervisor for help. It took 3 of us to teach 18 kids to ski. My job was helping the kids popping in and out of their skis and standing up. It was quite an experience.

In the afternoon, I was assigned to teach 5 adults who were learning snowboarding for the first time. They did well. I hope they’ll continue to work on their J and S turns. After class, I changed to my ski boots and started some runs. I left the resort at 5:00 pm. It was a long day.

My goal for this season is to get 2 more shadows in for ski lesson and take the jacket test. The ski progression for first-time learner doesn’t seem so bad.
