Angela Riechers: The Elements of Visual Grammar

After more than a decade of trying to choose images that convey diversity for the school that named after the ultra conservative Supreme Court Justice, I lost my passion for working with photography. Fortunately, Angela Riechers’ The Elements of Visual Grammar reinvigorated my long-lost love for the art of imagery. The text is clearly written and the accompanied images helped conveyed the message. I recommend it for design students and professionals.

Vũ Trọng Phụng: Làm đĩ

Nhà văn Vũ Trọng Phụng đã tiến bước trước cái thời của ông. Làm đĩ ông viết vào năm 1936 bây giờ đọc vẫn mang tính cách hiện đại. Tôi đọc về sự dâm dục trong sách tiếng Anh cũng khá nhiều nhưng đây là lần đầu tiên tôi đọc một quyển tiểu thuyết tiếng Việt viết về cái dâm một cách tự nhiên, hồn nhiên, và thản nhiên. Cái dâm là bản tính trời cho. Dâm không có xấu xa. Chỉ có đạo đức giả mới xấu xa. Làm đĩ chứng tỏ tác giả có cái nhìn cặn kẽ về cái dâm. Ông hiểu thấu được cái dâm. Ông đồng cảm với cái dâm. Ông ca tụng cái dâm. Ông giải tỏa cái dâm để tô điểm cuộc đời. Qua những lời văn chân thật, ông cho phép người đọc muốn dâm cứ dâm. Đừng e ngại và cũng chẳng có gì phải hổ thẹn.

Elliot Jay Stocks: Universal Principles of Typography

Typeset in Degular and Swear, designed by James Edmondson, Elliot Jay Stocks’s book is a lovely printed publication on web typography. The book features 100 clearly written principles accompanied by beautiful illustrations to help readers understand the key concepts.

From typographic fundamentals to choosing and pairing fonts to typography systems to OpenType and variable fonts, this book is a comprehensive guide to typography. Even though Elliot focuses on typesetting for the web, his principles can apply to other mediums as well.

His writing is friendly and his approach to typography is flexible. There are no hard rules in setting types. His principles serve as guides and not regulations. You just have to do it and get a feel for it. For example, he argues that long-form text can be set in either serif or sans serif typefaces, as he illustrated in the typesetting of his own book. I still prefer serif for long-form reading, especially for books with just text. The simplicity of sans-serif text always made me read too fast and skipped the words. I had to consciously tell myself to slow down. On the other hand, serif typefaces made me read slower, but retain the information better. That’s just my own experience.

If you are a design student or interested in improving your typesetting, Universal Principles of Typography is highly recommended. Thanks for the shout out to Vietnamese Typography.

April Bernard: The World Behind the World

I didn’t get much out of this collection of poems except for “Allen v Farrow.” At least I think I did anyway. My approach to reading poetry is either I get it or I don’t. It’s more often that I don’t.

Jessica Q. Stark: Buffalo Girl

I picked up this book because the author is half Vietnamese half American. She writes about her whiteness as well as her Asian part. Though I didn’t understand much of her poems the first read. I might need to revisit them.

Josh Clark: Designing for Touch

This book released in 2015 when digital devices, such as iPads, started to take off. Reading it almost a decade later, it is has become out of touch. I am done catching up with the A Book Apart series.

Preston So: Voice Content and Usability

As a visual designer, I have not ventured into voice-command territory. So’s book is a perfect primer into voice interface design. From inclusivity to diversity to accessibility to usability, this book will help make your site ready for voice-friendly design.

Krystal Higgins: Better Onboarding

Before reading Higgins’s book, I didn’t realize how much thoughts, strategies, and decisions go into the onboarding process. Thankfully, Higgins explains, illustrates and walks us through designing a successful onboarding experience. A recommended read for digital product designers.

Megan Fox: Pretty Boys are Poisonous

Damn, Fox’s poetry collection is dark as fuck. Here’s a piece titled “i’m not sure that god agrees”:

There was a time
when i had never
heard a man call me
and there was also a time
when i had never
felt a man’s hands
hit me
suffocate me
or throw me to the ground
but now
if one of these things
hasn’t happened
by wednesday
i consider it a miracle

Here’s another piece titled “the book of mary magdalene”:

it hurts
to see how i’ve
betrayed myself
trying to save
the souls of men
who do not want
to be saved
it hurts to see
how my legacy
will only rest
in the space
between my legs

The typesetting and the illustrations are beautiful.

r.h. Sin: This Day Is Dark

This book of poetry is heartbreaking yet beautiful. Sin is so good with words. Here are a few examples:

it’s hard to enjoy the sun
when there’s a storm
growing in your chest

you can’t nurture a rock
you don’t water a stone
no amount of love
will soften the heart
of a person
who doesn’t intend
to love you

when you’ve
been in pain
for years
“it gets better”
sounds like a lie

the more you ignore the wound
the wider it grows, the deeper it gets

We were supposed to be a team, but you treated me
like a competition.

Quietly noticing everything. Saying nothing is so
fucking painful.

people rarely see your wounds
and despite the pain, you feel
you spend most days forcing a smile

you’re toxic
I have to stop
breathing you in

what was once
sweet to taste
is now bitter fruit

forever is something we say
but it’s never what we do

tired of handing roses
to the person
who treats me like weeds

the way I choose a person
sometimes I think
I’m attracted to loneliness

the people who hurt you
are teaching you who to avoid

your relationship spoiled a long time ago. Why do you insist on keeping something past its expiration date?
