Heather Cox Richardson: Democracy Awakening

In Democracy Awakening, Professor Heather Cox Richardson teaches an essential civic course that Americans need to learn about democracy. From historical to policial to cultural to social to moral, Professor Richardson provides each perspective with clarity. The US democracy has survived over 200 years, but not without challenges. More than ever, democracy is on the brink of collapsing today with Trump and his lies. Professor Richardson writes:

If he could get Americans to reject the truth and accept his lies about what had happened, they would be psychologically committed to him. …

He had successfully sold his own narrative over the truth, and his supporters would continue to believe him rather than those calling him out.

Professor Richardson provides details on Trump lies:

Far from retreating, Trump had moved to the stage that scholars of authoritarianism call a “Big Lie,” a key propaganda tool associated with Nazi Germany. This is a lie so huge that no one can believe it is false. If leaders repeat it enough times, refusing to admit that it is a lie, people come to think it is the truth because surely no one would make up anything so outrageous. …

Big lies are springboards for authoritarians. They enable a leader to convince followers that they were unfairly cheated of power by those the leader demonizes. In the U.S., the power of Trump’s Big Lie to rally supporters meant that the Republican Party gradually purged those members who continued to stand against him, and leaders consistently refused to acknowledge that Biden had won the election. “Election denier” became a political identity, and going into Biden’s presidency, most Republicans simply affirmed that he was the current president.

Professor Richardson gives a brief explanation on how ur political system should work:

The Constitution established a representative democracy, a republic, in which voters would elect lawmakers who would represent the people. That legislative branch would be a balance to a single leader at the head of the executive branch; each would prevent the rise of a tyrant from the other side. Congress would write all “necessary and proper” laws, levy taxes, borrow money, pay the nation’s debts, establish a postal service, establish courts, declare war, support an army and navy, and organize and call forth “the militia to execute the Laws of the Union” and “provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.”

The president would execute the laws, but if Congress overstepped, the president could veto proposed legislation. In turn, Congress could override a presidential veto. Congress could declare war, but the president was the commander in chief of the army and had the power to make treaties with foreign powers. It was quite an elegant system of paths and trip wires, really. …

Finally, the Framers authorized a third branch of government, the judicial branch, with a Supreme Court to settle disputes between inhabitants of the different states. They also guaranteed that every defendant had the right to a jury trial but said little else about the judiciary.

This book is a must-read for American citizens who ignored democracy or were clueless about democracy. Learn the truth and recognize the difference between democracy and autocracy. Without democracy, the United States is no longer the land of the free. Without freedom, nothing else matters.
