Saving Our Democracy

Our democracy is collapsing in front of our eyes as Trump is turning the United States into authoritarianism. The majority of Americans had taken democracy for granted. They are so naive because they haven’t lived under an autocracy. They valued their pocketbooks more than our democracy.

I have been vocal about our democracy since 2016 when Trump first took office. As late as last year when I talked to some of my acquaintances, from healthy professionals to computer engineers to assembly workers to nail technicians, they didn’t worry about the future of democracy under Trump. I told them to keep an eye out as Trump returned to the White House. Now I can say to them, “I told you so.”

I hope Americans are waking the fuck up and fighting back. The U.S. citizens must defend our democracy. It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat or Republican, we must come together to save our country first. Without democracy, we will only have one authoritarian regime.
