Trump is Trying to Kill Elections

Trump has always wanted to dismantle our fair elections even though he had won a landslide in 2024. He installed election deniers throughout his regime to remove the guardrails protecting voting and voters. He fired Ellen Weintraub, Chairman of the FEC. He wants to take control of the US Postal Service so he can ban mailing ballots. He fired hundreds of agents in the CISA, which monitored foreign interference in our elections. With the help of Republicans in Congress, he wants the pass the SAVE Act, which requires proof of citizenship to register to vote. A passport or a birth certificate with a matching legal name is required to vote. An estimate of 69 million women with their married name does not match their birth certificate; therefore, they can’t vote without a passport. As Trump removes every safety measure, no one will be able to secure and defend our election results. That’s how democracy dies.
