Let’s keep it real. The Republican Party is gone. Trump has captured and seized every GOP leaders. They no longer work for the American people. They work for Trump. Even the Supreme Court is on Trump’s side. The conservative Justices will go along with him.
The Democratic Party is so weak right now. They can’t do much. We need to get them back in Congress to balance out the power. I hope there is still a chance to restore our democracy. Nothing will matter if we lose our democracy.
Trump is expanding his power. He is already stepping over Congress. He is hinting at a third term. He already refers to himself as a king. He needs to be stopped.
After the election, I wanted to remove myself from politics, but I just can’t sit back and watch our democracy dying in front of my eyes. I don’t have any power. All I have is a voice on this blog. This is the place where I can speak my mind.