Democracy is Dying
My fear for losing our democracy is coming true faster than I had expected. America is in a constitutional crisis. Our government is crumbling. The king is taking over our country. We saw this coming and yet we still elected him.
We are now living in a post-fact era. Everything I had seen sharing on Facebook from my friends were just fake news and no one even bothered to fact check anymore. If you keep on lying eventually it will become the truth.
So many people were so misinformed. I was catching up to an old friend from high school last December. He served in the army. He is making a good living. We had a bit of drink and politics came up. I didn’t want to engage, but I was curious why he voted for Trump.
It came down to his own pocket. I asked him if he cared about democracy. He dismissed it and said I had nothing to worry about. Even if a smart, successful guy like him turned dumb for Trump, I knew we were fucked. Obviously more than half of this country fell for Trump.
America will not recover from this tragedy. I hope the people who voted for him will wake the fuck up.