How I Become an Instructor After Snowboarding for Just 2 Seasons

Upon hiring me for the instructor position, the manager invited me to the Instructors Training Course. The first order of business at the ITC was introducing ourselves. Most instructors had been either skiing or snowboarding for at least 10 seasons. I only snowboarded for 2 seasons.

I had the least experience, but I could ride comfortably on any terrain from the greens to the blues to the double blacks. Some people think I have a natural talent, but I don’t. I only have the passion and the determination. I had to work hard at it.

My second son has a natural talent. I have always been so envious of him. In December, 2021, he and I took a semi-private snowboarding lesson together for the first time. I fell, got up, and fell some more. My feet were uncomfortable. My body was exhausted. I bruised my thumb on the magic carpet. I went back to skiing. My son went on and excelled in snowboarding. He could ride down the double black terrains in his second season. These days, he can zoom down the double black with ease.

After giving up snowboarding, my skiing soared. I could ski anywhere on the mountains. Nevertheless, I felt somewhat of a failure. I couldn’t accept the fact that I could not snowboard. The next season, December 2022, I decided to give snowboarding another shot. I made myself a challenge. Age was not an excuse to back down.

I took another group lesson, but the class was only me and another beginner learner. I was catching the edge like crazy. I could not make it down the lift without falling. I skated on one foot and almost twisted my ankle, but I did not give up. I kept at it for two weeks. I watched countless tutorials on YouTube and learned how not to catch an edge. I progressed to the blue and black terrains. I still fell on the double black terrains and I didn’t conquer them until season 2.

The Epic Pass motivated me to ski and snowboard as much as I could. I loved both sports; therefore, I didn’t give up skiing. As I was getting excited about snowboarding, my son was getting bored. He was gifted, but he didn’t want to learn new skills. On the other hand, my goal was to learn how to carve. Something about leaving a thin line on the trail fascinated me. I kept working toward my goal. This year, I am starting to get it. I encouraged my son to learn with me, but he refused. I am sure he could pick it up in no time if he wanted.

I keep telling him how good he is and I wish I could have his skills. With his talent and my hard work, I would go far. Then again, when something comes easy, you take it for granted. In contrast, you treasure it when you work hard to earn it. I am happy to be where I am today, but I will continue to grow.

Check out my snowboarding shorts on YouTube.
