Snowboard Lesson Checklist

  1. Connection: Introduction & check equipments (5 minutes)
  2. Flat Ground Exercises: Demo “Homebase” position (athletic stance) (5 minutes)
  3. Strap in Both Feet to Board: Revisit “Homebase” position with both feet strapped into board. (5 minutes)
  4. Skate: Demonstrate skating both directions (10-15 minutes).
  5. Magic Carpet: Explain loading/unloading carpet safety. Instructor’s last (30 minutes into lesson).
  6. Sideslip: Demo toe edge and heel edge sideslip (10-15 minutes).
  7. Falling Leaf: Demo toe edge and heel edge (15-20 minutes).
  8. Chair Lift: Explain safety, safety bar, and how to load and unload (1 hour into lesson).
  9. J-Turn: Demo J-Turn to left or right (25-30 minutes).
  10. S-Turn: Demo Linking Turns (25-30 minutes).
  11. Wrap Up: Thank guests for coming (5 minutes).