
I responded to the LDHV parents:

Dear All,

Thank you Chị T and cChị K for your hard work, dedication, and perspective. Now, allow me to put my head on the chopping block.

After reading this email, my wife was furious—not at the message, but at me. I hardly took out the trash at home, and yet I went above and beyond as one of the trash guys for LDHV. All kidding aside, I appreciate the recognition, but I can’t take all the credits. Other parents whose names aren’t on the list had stepped up with the trash and the water as well.

Big shout out to all the parents for participating in the LDHV activities. As Trưởng BT always says, “Without your willingness to take your kids to our events, there would be no Pack.”

When my wife and I decided to sign our kids up for scouting, we went with LDHV because of its reputation and the unity between parents and leaders. It was true. In the first few meetings, I felt connected as being part of an extended family.

In contrast, I heard divisive stories within other LDs from classism to status to gossip. Being one of the longest parents in LDHV (since 2019), I can testify that LDHV is above those.

Let’s continue to set an exemplary example for our kids.


Donny Truong
