It’s All About Trump

I must confess. I was laughing my ass off watching the debate. Donald Trump had the temperament of a six years old boy. Kamala Harris could read him like an open book. Instead of talking about his destructiveness, she led him into destructing himself and it worked every single time.

Throughout the debate, Trump proved himself to be a self-centered bully. Harris schooled him a lesson on bullying. Hearing him spill wild conspiracy theories and baseless claims, I could never take this bully seriously.

When the moderators asked him about January 6, he said flat out, “I didn’t know anything about it. It was not me. I did nothing wrong. I just showed up and gave a speech.” He denied any responsibility and yet they still support him. I just don’t get it.

The other day, I watched my nephew playing around with my boys. He was walking backward and hit the pole that held an umbrella. He started to cry and scolded the pole, “Why was that thing even there?” He started kicking the pole. It was the pole’s fault that made him fell. He blamed the pole for standing in his way. It was nonsense, but understandable. He’s a little kid.

After the debate, instead of blaming himself for screwing up, Trump blamed the moderators who refused to let him spilling his lies. Trump never takes any responsibility. He cares about no one else, but himself. He didn’t care that millions of Americans were dying during the pandemic under his watch. He doesn’t even care about his own supporters.

Again I just can’t vote for a whiny little brat to be our president. His incompetent and childish behavior is too dangerous for the job of the president. He’s a danger to our country. He’s a grave danger to our democracy.

I was laughing at his debate performance, but I am deeply concerned about him taking over our country for four more years. We were lucky before, but let’s not put our country at danger again.
