Weekend With Friends

Over the weekend, I accompanied my wife to Boston to meet up with her high school friends from all the way back in Vietnam. For the first time, the gathering was all adults, except for a young daughter who was about to start college at RISD.

Initially, I was planning on staying home with the kids, but her friends urged my wife to take me along so the husbands could hang out. After making some arrangements with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and our kids, we were all set to go. I got excited because it was our first trip without the kids since Đạo was born. For the last 15 years, we had been so busy with our kids that we forgot to make time for ourselves.

The trip turned out wonderful. We toured the Boston area for a bit. It’s a vibrant city. Of course, we had tons of food including lobsters and delicious Vietnamese dishes from Dorchester. The best part was seeing my wife laughing with her friends as they reminisced on their childhood stories.

I admired their friendships. I was also glad that they reconnected after all these years. Seeing my wife stepping out of our family zone was a joy. Of course, I appreciated the last one and half decade she devoted to our family, but I also wanted to see her take some time out for herself.

Unlike us with young kids, most of her friends have children entering, attending, or finishing college. The ladies are the rock of their family. They are successful not only in their careers, but also in raising their kids. I have tremendous respect for them.

Thanks friends for the short but sweet time together. Until we cross paths again, take care!