We Are Fucked

I had checked out of politics in the past four years. I hadn’t followed the news. I avoided getting into political discussions. It has been good for my mental health.

At this point in the presidential election, however, I can no longer ignore the race. We can’t go back to another four years of chaos and craziness under the authoritarian regime. Democracy was on the brink of collapse back then.

The last four years had been great and now that Biden has dropped out, I am behind Kamala Harris all the way. I will vote for her if she becomes the nominee, but let’s keep it real. America is not ready for a female President. We witnessed that in 2016. Furthermore, America is not ready for an Asian-descent President.

I hope I am dead wrong, but I am deeply concerned not only the President, but also the House and the Senate will lose. Then the Supreme Court will be filled with Republican Justices. Democracy will die in the next four years if we can’t stop him.

The Democratic establishment has fucked up.
