Down But Not Out

It’s official. I fucking hate the summer. The heat and humidity make me lazy and guilty.

The house constantly needs improvements and tidying up. I am overwhelmed with the growing list of things to do, and I haven’t done much. My wife is chewing my ears off every single day.

The cars need fixing and maintenance. More mileage, more problems. They just never stop. I hate dealing with cars. I am just going to drive them until the wheels fall off.

The kids aren’t reaching their potential. With the exception of Xuân, they aren’t playing any sports. They spend way too much screen time. I am failing to get them off their devices.

The job is uncertain. I am not worrying about AIs replacing my job. I am worrying about blue eyes replacing my job. Five white guys have taken over my responsibilities. Nevertheless, I still have some roles to play until I become useless.

Fuck it. I am just riding it out. I will deal with each issue when it comes up. I am losing all the joys in life and I am wasting my time worrying. My time in this world is too damn short to be stressed out.

I am thinking of seeking therapy, but I am too damn cheap to pay for someone to talk to me. As a result, I am writing this here as a form of therapy. I just needed a space to get shit off my chest. I will be fine. Even if everything around me falls apart, I still have myself to depend on.
