Heading Home

Every trip must come to an end. A week had gone by so fast. It’s time to head home. It was so nice seeing familiar faces again. Furthermore, It was a pleasure meeting new friends and my wife’s family members for the first time.

Canada isn’t much different from the U.S., and yet, it is still a bit foreign. I didn’t care much about seeing the scenes. I care more about seeing the people. Thank you for welcoming us with open arms. We appreciate all the love you gave us. It was such a meaningful trip.

In addition to seeing our loved ones, we spent time together as a family. My mother-in-law is 82 now and it is such a blessing that she can still travel with us. Not too many seniors her age can travel hours in the car and walk to places.

Traveling with four boys was chaotic, but we managed to have fun. I am glad my wife decided to make a family trip out of it. I got to spend two days with my friends and the rest with our family. The schedule turned out great. I would love to turn it into our annual summer trip.
