A Letter to Tonkin Voyage

Dear Tonkin Voyage,

My name is Donny Truong and I created the “Bonjour Vietnam” video you uploaded to your YouTube account. The video also includes the Tonkin Voyage logo. You never asked for my permission to use the video; therefore, I kindly request that you take down the video, which is already existed on my YouTube account.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing back from you.

Donny Truong

Update: 12 minutes later I received a response from Tonkin Voyage:

Hello Trương,

I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the oversight in uploading your video. It has been removed now. Your video featured stunning imagery, and I truly appreciate your contribution. Thank you very much, and may you continue to find joy in your endeavors.

Thank you for the swift action. I appreciate it.
