Visualgui 2024: The Button

It’s only January and I already cooked up a second iteration for this blog. The design is inspired by my son Đán Trương who created the cool button and asked me to add it to this site. At first, I refused because his button was a bit too flashy for my site (try hover the next and previous buttons). He insisted that I should use it.

To include his button, I had to redesign the entire site. I went with the Bauhaus style. For the header and footer, I added vibrant, colorful, AI-generate illustrations of Bauhaus architecture, created by Eyetronic. I also added a vector set of abstract avant-garde minimal geometric dividers (to separate each blog post), designed by Vitaneo.

To keep the Bauhaus vibe, I had to remove the scripted typeface for the blog titles. The new titles are now set in Neue DIN, designed by Hendrik Weber, Andreas Frohloff, and Olli Meier, which I had already used for large display text and UI elements.

Of course, I have to give a shoutout to Đán, one of my awesome sons, for creating the supercool button using CSS. Keep learning HTML and CSS, kiddo. You’ll be a superstar designer and you’ll create way cooler sites than your dad. I love you!
