Getting Back to Skiing

Around 10 am yesterday, I headed to Hidden Valley to check it out. It only had 5 trails opened. Before I put on my ski boots, I gave my feet a good massage. I also skied gently for the first couple of runs. My feet were less in pain than the day before.

At noon, I went to Seven Springs. I took a short nap in the parking lot because I had trouble sleeping the night before. I put on my snowboard boots and hit the trails. I only did 3 runs and decided to switch back to ski. I started to get a hang of my new skis. They are a bit longer (159 cm) and faster, but steadier and easier to turn. Seven Springs was pumping lots of snow all day long and I could ski on blues and black terrains easily. I am going to spend more time honing my ski turns.

Around 7:00 pm, I was exhausted and a bit sleepy. I was going to call it the night, but I switched to snowboarding and did a couple more runs until the North Face lift closed.

After I showered and changed, I fell asleep immediately. My wife and kids are coming later today. Can’t wait to spend a whole day with them on Saturday at Seven Springs.
