Camping at First Landing

Our family, along with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and nephew, arrived before noon on Thursday and picked out a campsite. We loaded everything and put up our tents. We went to the beach and then came back to our site. The booking miscommunication caused us to move a different site. It was a bit of a pain, especially when it started to rain, but we made the transition.

Despite the moving issue, we had fun. Unfortunately, we were bitten by mosquitoes. My arms and legs are still itchy. I couldn’t sleep much. I couldn’t wait to pack up and go home. I am done with camping. This year was not as fun as last year. The kids enjoyed their time. I had fun with them. Poor little Vương got sick.

I got tired of drinking and socializing. We knew each other so much now. We didn’t have much to talk about anymore. Even though my gout has not flared up—knock on wood–I need to cut back. It is no longer fun for me. Our relationship is complicated and I am not in the mood to articulate. I am not sure where I am going from here.
