Donny Truong Presents Vietjazz

In 2008, I began collecting Vietnamese songs arranged in jazzy styles for my own listening pleasure. Then I lost motivation and just stopped. As the years went on, more Vietnamese songs produced with jazz flavors. I recently picked it up where I left off.

I am curating 127 songs and I would like to share my collection with anyone who would be interested in listening to Vietjazz. I want to create a simple music app or a webpage that would stream these songs randomly. It would be great for long road trips. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to create a simple music app. I could create a webpage, but the bandwidth to host these songs will put a hole in my pocket.

I am thinking of just to create a simple page with all the songs information listed, but I don’t know if that’s useful or not. Nevertheless, I spent a couple hours this morning typing up all the song titles, songwriters, and singers. I even put in the styles for each song. I did all of this on my Apple Music App. Then I uploaded to my YouTube Music account. YouTube Music allows me to share the playlist, but listeners would need a YouTube Music account to access it. If you like to check out the playlist, sign up a free YouTube Music account.

I will continue to add more songs in the future and I will continue to think about making the free streaming music app. It would definitely be a good learning experience. If you have any suggestion about making the app, hit me up. For now, you can enjoy Donny Truong Presents Vietjazz on YouTube Music.
