Struggled with Moguls

Đạo participated in rock climbing yesterday; therefore, he couldn’t ski with us. Today he wanted to go to Whitetail. Xuân joined us once again. Unlike yesterday, however, the double black diamond terrain was filled with high moguls. I struggled snowboarding around the moguls because I haven’t nailed down my quick turns. I tried and fell. After two runs, I was exhausted. My legs were burning. We went back down for lunch and took another blue run. Đạo was also tired from rock climbing the day before. After three days snowboarding straight, I couldn’t keep up anything. At 1 pm, we called the day. Despite the warm weather and not ideal condition, we managed to ski and snowboard.

Highlight of today was watching a snowboard patrol maneuvering around the moguls. Her quick turns were so effortless as if she was just hopping around the humps. I wanted to learn her techniques. I am going to start searching for YouTube video to teach me how to ride moguls. I was thinking of taking a private lesson, but I didn’t want to spend $200 for an hour of private lesson. Maybe I’ll try to book group lesson in advance next time or just continue to learn from watching YouTube video.

When I got home today, I gave my snowboard a tune up and a wax. I won’t be back to the mountain at least next Saturday. I need to take some rest.
