Managed the Double Black Diamond

I took Đán and Xuân to Whitetail. I managed to snowboard down the double black diamond terrain without falling. I did two runs with the kids then went back down for lunch. I drank some wine and went back up myself to do four more runs. I got exhausted. We left Whitetail around 2 pm.

My snowboarding is catching up with my skiing. I am so happy that I am determined to take up snowboarding this year. It is quite a learning experience and the reward is just gratifying. I didn’t think I could pull it off, but the hard work paid off.

I have to give Đán the credit for inspiring me to snowboard. Last year, he just decided to pick up snowboarding instead of skiing. We took a semi-private lesson together. I gave up and went back to skiing. He advanced at snowboarding and he is just so darn good that I have to give it another shot. I want to be young and cool too.

I encouraged him to pick up skiing again. He gave it a shot, but didn’t want to do it. He has gone to the dark side. As for me, I still love to ski. I like them both and don’t have to choose one over the other. I am trying to get Xuân to snowboard, but he is not interested. Because he’s so comfortable and confident on skis, he doesn’t have the patience to relearn snowboarding. He rather skis fast with his cousins and brothers on blues and blacks then being stuck on the greens with a snowboard. I hope he’ll give it a shot in the future.
