My Mother Makes Miracles

This morning, I was scheduled to participate in a professional group photoshoot to celebrate my 10 years of service at George Mason University, but I couldn’t make it because I was exposed to Covid over the weekend. When our third son didn’t want to get out of bed, he complained that he felt tired. We decided to give him a home test and the result showed up positive immediately. We tested everyone, including myself, and our results were negative.

Nevertheless, we notified our sons’ school. Our third son who tested positive needed to stay home to quarantine. He slept in the same bed with me last night, which meant I would be affected as well even though I hadn’t shown any symptoms. Covid had finally caught up to me after it killed my mother. Before I succumbed to Covid, I went to the skatepark to just ride it out. The park was completely empty during school hours. I hopped onto the highest pipe and looked up at the sky. I talked to my mother and asked her to protect me and my family. I knew she had been looking out for us since she had gone to heaven. We had dodged Covid up to this point because she had kept us safe, and this unfortunately exposure was no exception. I have faith in her.

After I picked up my first son from school, we went to CVS to pick up more Covid test kits. We went home and tested our first son. His result was negative. I took the test again and I was still negative. Our third son who tested positive in the morning asked us if he could take it again. We hesitated, but then why not? This time his result came back negative. We used a different kit to test him again and the result was still negative. Either these home tests were unreliable or my mother had done her miracle. I believe the latter.

Tomorrow I will take our third son to CVS to get tested again. Let’s find out if indeed my mother had made another miracle to keep us Covid-free.
