Spring Break in Rodanthe, North Carolina

We’re winding down our spring break vacation in Rodanthe, North Carolina and ready to head back home tomorrow. A week had gone by fast. The kids—six boys ranging from age three to twelve—had a blast despite not having access to their iPads. They didn’t complain. They watched TV, played board games, made each other scream, biked to the playground, jumped the waves, swam in the pool, relaxed in the hot tube, ate like crazy, snacked like hell, and ate some more. We didn’t venture out much except for visiting the aquarium.

While the kids were doing an exceptional job of unplugging from their digital devices, the adults still glued to our phones. How hypocritical that the rule didn’t apply to us. I limited my phone usage to only night time when the kids went to bed. I used it mostly to blog and to take videos and photos. I read when the kids watched TV. I plowed through three short books. My main role was to chaperone the kids to wherever they went. It wasn’t as fun as skiing though. I preferred winter break over spring break. Though I had the chance to rollerblade a bit and a small skatepark next to the playground the kids liked.

I ate and drank much more on this trip than our ski trips. The beer belly I lost from three months of skiing came back and bigger. I started to have a gout attack as well. It is a sign that I went over my alcohol limit. I hadn’t had an attack for a while; therefore, I let my guard down. I am hoping to get it done and over with.

Overall, it was a decent trip. My wife did an excellent job of planning and booking the spot. The kids and I are happy to just follow her lead.
