Goodbye Robbins Nguyễn
I didn’t know you well. In fact, we only had one interaction, but your big smile and exuberant personality left a long-lasting impression on me. You cracked a joke and I didn’t realize that you knew me more than I knew you.
At the time we met, which was at Chiến’s wedding, you were still dating Sandy. When I said “hi” to her, she introduced me to you. Of course I knew a bit about you even though I didn’t recall if we actually talked in the past. I thought you and Sandy made a great couple; therefore, I was glad that she had found love in you. I didn’t know if you knew, but I dated Sandy briefly before her ex-boyfriend who was also someone I knew cajoled her back. Things didn’t work out between me and Sandy, but I wish she didn’t go back to him. He was a jackass and I knew he would break her heart again. And I was right. They broke up after having two kids together.
When you entered the picture, I was happy for her. I still cared about her. You seemed to be a loving partner and doting parent. Unfortunately, your relationship with her didn’t last either. Then I found out from your brother and sister that you have left this world. I didn’t know that you had some serious health issues. Now you are in a better place without pain and suffering. Rest In Peace, Robbs.