On Shame

Let’s talk about shame. Shame is part of my life. I can’t live without shame. All I can think about is shame. Shame is ruining my life and my relationship. I am ashamed of shame, but I can’t help myself.

Maybe I need therapy to get shame out of my mind. Maybe I am living my world full of shame. The more I try to ignore shame, the more shame takes over me. Just the thought of shame makes me miserable. I need a cure for my shame. Shamefully, only one could save me from shame.

I don’t know what to do with shame. I guess I just have to live with shame. Dealing with shame is hard. I wish I could get over shame. I wish I could resist shame. I wish I could conquer shame. I wish I didn’t have to talk about shame. I wish I didn’t have to write about shame.

It’s a damn shame.
