The Weekend Dilemma
Nowadays my weekends are filled with guilt and stress. The house needs to be tidy up from top to bottom. The lawn needs to be mowed and trimmed. The longer I put off, the worse they get. They just get piled up weeks after weeks. When I look at them, I don’t know where to start.
My ideal weekends are to spend time with my sons going ice skating, rollerblading, biking, reading, or just relaxing. Basically, I just want to enjoy the things I like to do instead of the things I have to do. When I lived by myself in Poughkeepsie, New York, my apartment was just a place for me to sleep. On the weekends, I would pack up my bags, drive home to stay with my mom, and hang out with my homeboy Nate. Now they are both gone and my life has changed forever.
I am not complaining about my current life. In fact, I am blessed with a wonderful family. They mean the whole world to me and I rather spend time with them than doing anything else. It’s just that when I have to do things that need to be done, it takes my time away from them. Sure, I could make them help me by doing all the chores, but then they would feel as miserable as I am for doing the things that they don’t enjoy.
For fuck sake, Donny. You’re a grown-ass man now, stop whining and get the shit done already.
I wrote this post while watching Đán learning to play ice hockey at 9 am on a Saturday. We went home around noon. Instead of taking the kids to ice skating for three hours, I decided to stay home to tidy up our basement. It took me two hours. By the time I finished organizing the basement,the kids had finished their late lunch. I took Đạo, Đán, and Xuân to the skate park. We rollerbladed for an hour and the boys sweated profusely. It occurred to me that they all needed a haircut. We returned home and I gave each one a buzz. None of my kids had been to a barbershop before. I cut their hair as well as mine all by myself. We saved quite a bit for the five of us.
We took a bath and headed over to my sister-in-law’s house for dinner. It was not a bad Saturday after all.