Week Notes

I rode the quarter pipe yesterday on rollerblades, slipped, fell, and sprained my knee a bit. Every time I straighten or fold my leg, I get a sharp pain. It is so annoying.

The day before yesterday, I got into a huge verbal combat with my wife. Yesterday we argued some more, but made up last night. With my sprained knee, I was in no mood to fight.

I was going to spend more time skating over the long weekend, but I am spending time in bed instead. I need to catch up on my readings since I haven’t read much.

I was thinking of registering for figure skating lessons next week, but I won’t be able to because of my knee injury. I checked the website last night and only two students signed up. They’ll cancel the class if they can’t get five students.

The kids started school for two weeks. I need to be more proactive with checking on their assignments and homework. I don’t want any surprises when their first reports come out. They spent way too much time playing video games. I am losing them over video games and it frustrated me.

I think of my mom often. I cried remembering the time we lived together in Poughkeepsie. I drove home from work at noon each day to have lunch with her. I took her to the Asian grocery store a few times a week. Life was slow but beautiful. I miss her dearly.

I need to reach out to family and friends more, especially during this challenge time dealing with Covid. I keep telling myself to do it, but I keep putting it off. OK, I am going to end this post so I can make some calls.
