New Category: Goodbye

The news of my homeboy Nate passing away shook me to the core. He had a massive heart attack. He was only 38 years old. I wrote about our complicated relationship. I wish I had reconciled our friendship before he left. I waited for too long.

I do not deal with grief too well. The recent passing of my parents devastated me and now one of my closest friends is gone too soon. The longer I live, the more I will witness deaths until it will be my time to go. Just the thought of that depresses me.

As I was writing about Nate, I went back to my blog archive and found that I had written many goodbye posts for family members, friends, colleagues, and the people I had known over the years. I was able to go back to 2010 with about 21 people, excluding the people I didn’t know personally like celebrities and politicians. That averages out to 2 people I have known die each year.

I decided to create a goodbye category to collect the tributes I had written. It is my own column of obituaries. Writing them down helps me deal with my grief and remember the people I had in my lifetime.
