50% Off My Web Book

Now for just $5, you can support my web book, Professional Web Typography, and download sample projects including résumés, branding guidelines, blog post, editorial design, and the demo for the web book itself. All of these sample pages are created using simple HTML and CSS to help you get started.

For example, you can use the résumés I have built, replace all the content, switch up the typography, and rearrange the grid to make it your own. You can use the blog post I have designed and adapt to your own blog. You can also use my web book as a template to build your own web book. I made this offer because people had emailed me to ask if they could use the template for their own project. Of course, I said yes.

When I first started doing web design, I learned by taking people’s source codes and changing them to make my own; therefore, I encourage you to download the source, spend some time reading the markups, and experiment. If you messed up, try again.
