Enjoying Staying Home

I had a productive week. I caught up with my to-do list for the law school. I also plowed through a small web development project and reviewed Vietnamese diacritics for three typefaces. I love seeing more and more typefaces support Vietnamese and I am honored that type designers entrusted me with making sure their typefaces work well for native readers. I love my native language and I wrote my thesis on it. Please don’t fuck it up with the non-sense changes. The new proposed method called “Chữ Việt song song 4.0,” which does away with diacritics, is just a bunch of gobbledygook.

When not working or taking care of my kids, I love to read books or watch Netflix comedy specials to distance myself from the news, especially from that pathological narcissistic who claimed “I alone can fix it.” At this point, nothing coming out of his mouth would shock me. Then again, he does not speak to me. He understands his supporters. I give him that.

As for the lockdown, I am not hating it. Is it wrong to say I kind of am enjoying it? I don’t have to get up early in the morning. I don’t have to yell at my kids to get them ready for school. I don’t need to iron my clothes although I do throw on a dress shirt for video conferencing. Even though I miss my coworkers, I am constantly surrounded by my loved ones. I take breaks to spend time with them or to check on them. I just need to have my phone with me in case I need to answer emails.

The lockdown gives me excuses. My wife hasn’t said much about my drinking. I literally ran out of booze in my house and I don’t feel like going to a liquor store. I have not gone to the grocery stores either. Of course, I will be fine without alcohol. I don’t want to push my luck. Then again, a gout attack would only lock me down more. I am sure my wife won’t like it if I just stay in bed and read all day long.

When I have time for myself, I read without feeling guilty. I let the kids have more screen time without feeling bad. I eat constantly but consume less. I don’t need to overstuff myself because I have access to food all the time. My wife does most of the cooking. I do most of the dishes (thanks goodness for the dishwasher). My two older sons are now folding clothes. Since we are comfortable with staying home, I think we are coping well. I am sure my wife would have a different view.

It will be hard to readjust after the pandemic is over, but I will be more than thankful to have our lives back to normal. For now, we have to do what we have to do, not just for our own survival, but also for others. So let’s stay home until we beat this crisis.
