
In the time of physical isolation, I thought I would find solidarity on social media, especially Facebook. Unfortunately, I found even deeper division among my friends and family members. Deactivating Facebook gives me a bit of peacefulness. For a while, I posted mostly my kids’ photos so my mom and my family in Vietnam can see them. In recent months, I fell back into posting political issues because I could not stand people sharing fake news and misinformation. The discussions were not healthy; therefore, I needed to just get the fuck out for a while to concentrate on this blog.

I continue to work from home this week. The kids are doing good. They get more screen time than normal because of they needed to do work online. I try to get them to read and encourage them to write journals. I let them read my blog if they wanted to, but they get bored. They are more into video game than writing and reading. They managed to write a little. Đạo wrote instructions on how he built his LEGO toys. Đán wrote about what he cooked and drew pictures, which I thought pretty neat. Unfortunately, they only did it so that they could get reward to play video games.

This week, I took on a small freelance project. It took more time than I had estimated. I always undercut myself. Nevertheless, it is a meaningful project. I hope to share it next month.

Since public libraries had been closed and I only had a few books checked out, I am pulling old books off my shelf I had bought but hadn’t had a chance to read. Reading and writing have become my essential activities in the past two decades. I don’t get to watch films anymore, but I try to watch comedy specials on Netflix. I love standup and this is a good time to watch them.

Since deactivating Facebook, I don’t have much to write about. I no longer come across controversial topics that I needed to write rebuttals on. It’s all good. Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you stay safe and healthy. I hope you’ll have a relaxing weekend at home.
