Stay Home and Stay Informed

On January 24, the president still ignored all warnings and praised China. He tweeted: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus,” he applauded Xi, “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Instead of taking advice from the U.S. intelligence agencies, he sided with China until he realized Xi and the Chinese officials screwed him. How does a child respond when he knows he is being played for a fool? He called them names. Like a spoiled little brat, he refused to listen to the adults like our public health experts. Instead he listened to airheads like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Steyn, and Tucker Carlson feeding him alternative facts.

Unfortunately, alternative facts can’t stop the spreading of the coronavirus. The fake news era, which defined this presidency, had come to an end last week. Regrettably, the childish commander-in-chief is still in office while the global pandemic has swept up our streets, schools, and businesses, and has left many Americans fighting for our lives.

As we are hunkering down in our own homes, working remotely, trying to educate our kids, washing our hands over and over again, and waiting impatiently for the development of the vaccine, we need to stay abreast of the facts. Misinformation is as dangerous as the coronavirus. Do not believe in everything you read. Please fact-check the sources. I have seen friends and family spreading fake news on Facebook without knowing. At a time of a global pandemic, misinformations and fake news not only divide us, they also come at a cost of our lives. Stay home and stay informed.
