Jia Tolentino: Trick Mirror

I have been following Tolentino’s writing in The New Yorker for a few years. She brings a young, Asian-American voice to the publication. Her first book, Trick Mirror, consists of personal essay combined with journalism. Her writing is honest, even handed, and fierce. As someone who grows up and makes a living on the web, I can relate to her essay on how the internet has transformed from an online space for people sharing their own passion on sites like GeoCities into “unlimited channels, all constantly reloading with new information: births, deaths, boasts, bombings, jokes, job announcements, ads, warnings, complaints, confessions, and political disasters blitzing our frayed neurons in huge waves of information that pummel us and then are instantly replaced.” Tolentino is a feminist and her perspective on sexism is refreshing. I must confess. I learned about queefing from reading this book. So yes, Trick Mirror is an informing, enlightening, fascinating read.
