Professional Web Typography: Second Edition

I’ve just launched the second edition of Professional Web Typography. In addition to updating, revising, reorganizing the materials, I redesigned the website and reworked all the demos.

The second edition is still available for free online and relying on readers’ support. When they make a $10 contribution, they will get to download the source code to all the demos used in the book. The source code is just a little bonus to show my appreciation. I set the price this time because I don’t want to receive anymore penny donations. Ten bucks seems like a fair price for the book considering the time and efforts went into revising the content and creating the demos.

As I was rewriting and redesigning this book, I considered putting the second edition on Amazon Kindle to see how well it will do. I downloaded Kindle Create and started to play with it. Unfortunately, I found it to be too restrictive. I can only use three typefaces and JPG image format. It is probably fine for a novel or a nonfiction, but not at all for a book on web typography. I gave up and went back to the web where I have much more choices and control of my typography.

For the website, I used all typefaces designed by David Jonathan Ross. The main text is Turnip. Big heading is Forma DJR Chiaroscuro. UI element and small text are Input Sans. Code excerpt is Input Mono.

I hope you will enjoy reading it.
