Quick Notes

I had a good time at Typographics. The speakers at the main event were inspiring. The experimental presentations at the TypeLab were amazing. Highlights of the conference were meeting DJR to thank him for designing his fonts with Vietnamese and catching up with good old buddy Tim. A designer from Monotype came up to me to thank me for Vietnamese Typography book. That was nice.

After the conference, our family headed to Wildwood for a week-long vacation. I took Xuân and Vương on the tram ride. The nice lady didn’t charge me a fee. She said, “Happy Father’s Day.” That was when I realized it was my day. We had a bit of a rough day with Đán. He is so misbehaving these days. Then again, I had a nice treat at the end of the day from my lovely lady.

I have not been blogging much because I am still reading Frederick Douglass’s biography. I have about 300 pages more to go. It’s an engaging book. I hope to get it done before our vacation ends. I also have been playing around with redesigning this blog. I have not settled on any design it. We’ll see.

My gout attack is going away after a week of Aleve and a bottle of apple cider vinegar. Walking had been a living hell. I can’t wait to get back to normal so I can walk to the beach and ride my bike on the boardwalk with the kids. It’s time to kick back and relax before more kids joining the place. It’s going to be chaotic. I am not looking forward to the arguing and bickering. Four boys of my own already drive me to the wall.
