My Beautiful Nephew

The other night I stumbled across some of my nephew’s photos and video on Instagram. My fifteen-year-old nephew has grown up so fast that I could barely recognize him. He has gorgeous makeup and a style of his own. He has a talent for design and fashion. I am glad that he can use both to express himself.

When he first came up, I gave him my unconditional support. My mom and his mom are still giving me grief about it. Every time we talk, they still blame me for encouraging to “getting worse.” I understand their traditional perspective and I know that they love him with all their hearts, but I have no regret of my support. I have to explain to them again and again that he is not going to change; therefore, we must embrace him and be there for him.

My deepest concern is bullying. I was a target just being an Asian kid. I can’t even imagine what he has to go through being a gay/drag Asian kid. He has to fight a much tougher battle than I had; therefore, I understand the challenges he has to face. I hope that he will stay strong and do not let the bullies and the trash-talks get to him. He can always reach out to me. I am there for him anytime.

I used to be weak and ashamed of who I was and I was afraid of not fitting in. I am glad that my nephew can truly be himself. He is beautiful and he knows it.
