Đạo Turns Nine

It’s hard to believe our first born turns nine today. Đạo will be nine years older than our forthcoming boy. Time has flown by so fast, but it has been a joy watching him grow. He is our guinea pig for parenting. We learn our lessons and mistakes from raising him and apply to his younger brothers.

Đạo enjoys reading. We read every night before bed. He has been fascinated with history, particularly about the wars. He has been giving some historical facts that I did not know before. Last Monday, he told me something intriguing, yet it escaped my mind. I can’t even recall what it was about. I am getting old. I should have written it down.

Like most kids, Đạo loves playing games on the iPad. He would get addicted even, if we just let him play for hours. For that reason, we always try to take the boys out as much as possible, especially on weekends. He still likes to play with Lego. I am terrible at Lego; therefore, he had to learn to build everything on his own. Now he builds his own battleships and war aircrafts to play with.

Personality wise, Đạo is charming. He interacts with everyone from adults to kids younger than his age. Even Đán’s friends like to hang out with him. When playdates end, he doesn’t get emotional attachment. He’s fine with saying goodbye to friends and not feeling sad.

Đạo is still afraid of being alone. He doesn’t want to sleep by himself. He wants me to rub his back every night to soothe him to sleep. I got annoyed sometimes, but then I feel bad.

He argues and fights with Đán constantly. It gets worse when their cousin is around. Each tries to get the cousin to be on his side. It irritates the heck out of me. I always have to break them all up until they all can play together.

At the end of the day, Đạo is still my little boy. I am looking forward to learning to code with him using Dash and Dot. Happy birthday, kiddo!
