Getting Back to the Blog

This year I will put all my eggs in one blog. That’s right, I try to refrain from posting on Twitter and Facebook as much as I could. So you’ll expect to see more short posts on here rather than on social media. Let’s get into some of the podcasts I have listened to lately.

As the New Yorker lover, I started to listen to “The New Yorker Radio Hour.” Here’s an enjoyable one interview with Jon Hamm and a hilarious one with Jerry Seinfeld.

As a book lover, I started to listen to “What Should I Read Next?” with Anne Bogel. Episode 112 with Laura Vanderkam, in particular, is intriguing. They talked about finding the time to read.

As a typographic lover, I started to listen to The Weekly Typographic by The League of Moveable Type. The hosts do a nice job of sharing the latest news in type design community.

As a design nerd, I also started listening to Design Notes by Google. As I was searching for Design Notes, I learned about Method podcast also from Google Design. I’ll give that a shot as well.

What’s else? I am still on the sideline about Design Recharge. I am giving it a few more episodes to see if it is for me.
