Day Four in Vietnam

Went back to Saigon to attend the workshops at RMIT. The morning session was a general introduction to using assistive technologies. The afternoon session was mostly concept for digital inclusion for teaching and learning. I didn’t find them too useful.

Took a quick tour afterward to check out the design program at RMIT. I would love to teach here if I decided to move back to Vietnam, which is unlikely.

Went to dinner with my brother, sister-in-law, sister, cousins, nieces and nephews who live in Saigon. It was a nice evening catching up after 16 years. I really enjoyed seeing family members even though I was exhausted and sleepy.

Unfortunately when I got back to the hotel, I could not sleep. Woke up around two in the morning, practiced my presentation, and posted photos on Facebook to share with family members.

How ironic is that when I get quiet moments to myself, I could not sleep. I must have been used to the constant energy around the boys. I miss them terrible.
